Stude 138 this week is about Jesus ruling; seen standing in heaven, sitting at the right hand, standing up for his people, sitting down again for judgement, riding ---but the portion, what he is actually biblical doing right now, Col. 1:13 was never read or discussed. even the whole section of the book's article was not read!
next month jws are covering the land with their kingdom of 1914 and soon Panda Paradise saga, but will deaden into silence the ~ 2000 year old real possible kingdom of --- love.
was the whole chapter 138 read in your zoom room? was The kingdom of the son's love even mentioned, or discussed? bsw:
remember the resolutions at assembles, The kingdom news campaigns 1-13?
all fizzelt, did not stir heavens into action. come November, will the higher/st powers jump on the wt bandwagon? ?