In Australia there are separate congregations for Aboriginal witnesses. The official line is that the nonwitness Aboriginals are more responsive to other aboriginals. That may be so, but that doesn't mean that they should be kept separate for meetings. This was probably the first warning signal I noticed, but pushed it away in a typical JW fashion, thinking it would be corrected. Has anyone else noticed signs of racism in the WTBTS?
Is the WTBTS racist?
by esther 26 Replies latest jw friends
In Australia there are separate congregations for Aboriginal witnesses.
True. The Burton congregation is one in the northern suburbs of Adelaide.
The official line is that the nonwitness Aboriginals are more responsive to other aboriginals.
True. They even have WT, Awakes and brochures in Aboriginal.
That may be so, but that doesn't mean that they should be kept separate for meetings.
No true. Before I left we had plenty of public talks given by visiting Aboriginal speakers.
Has anyone else noticed signs of racism in the WTBTS?
This story would make my Top 10 "Apostate Lies" list.......and would be pretty high up as well...
How can the story be a lie? All the points I made are true. I never actually accused the WTBTS of being racist, because as far as I am concerned, the jury is still out. Segregation is a sign of racism. That is why I asked if anyone else has seen signs of racism.
"How can the story be a lie? All the points I made are true."
Just cos your points are true doesn't mean that the WTBTS is racist. Can u imagine a meeting where the speaker said something and 50% of the audience not understanding a word he's saying.
"I never actually accused the WTBTS of being racist"
U didn't? "That may be so, but that doesn't mean that they should be kept separate for meetings. This was probably the first warning signal I noticed, but pushed it away in a typical JW fashion, thinking it would be corrected. Has anyone else noticed signs of racism in the WTBTS?"
So you said in your first letter that the WTBTS is racist yet your last one said you never accused the WTBTS of racism...isn't that doublespeak? Make up your mind!!....
"because as far as I am concerned, the jury is still out."
"Segregation is a sign of racism."Maybe you should read Act 10:34,35.
There is racism in the congregations, but the fact that there are Aboriginal congregations is more to cater to the needs of the Aboriginal people than anything else.
I was in a country congregation for my first 20 years, and it was noticed that the Aboriginal bible studies and return visits responded more readily to the Aboriginal bros & sisters, compared to when a white person called on them. The Aboriginals tended to view Christianity as a "white fella's religion" hence the need for them to have "their own people" to witness to them. In the country there are many groups or congregations created for those who are Aboriginals.
So it wasn't segregation or racism, more of a need to respond to the Aborigine's wants/needs to relate to their own kind. I see it more as a community that were being catered to, just as there are congregations for the deaf, or for those who speak foreign languages.
I agree Prisca.
When I first started studying with JWs, it was partly because of the lack of racism. Where I lived, we did have some meetings separate, but we also had some combined. How can different races get to know each other if they don't communicate on a fairly frequent basis. You were right, though, that I should have been more careful how I expressed myself. I DON'T KNOW. Also, I acknowledge that the fact that some individuals in an organization are racist does not make the whole organization racist. Where I first studied, there was a real warmth and friendship that was tangible. If we had not had some meetings combined, I would have missed out on some warm, loving relationships. I did start to feel uneasy when the Aboriginal congregations were started, and felt that a lot of people were missing out on the opportunities for friendship. A
Aparthaid was not racist, it was simply a method to keep the black and white
culture of South Africa alive.The blacks simply related better to each other in work and social environs.
As did the white South Africans. It was obvious to everyone that the
blacks simply distrusted the whites and it was just better for them to be
in their own comunity with ones they trusted.I dont understand how anyone could misconstrue this as racism, nor the loving
way that the brothers keep the blacks in their own comfortable places.[8>]
if you don't see apartheid as racist then you have a seriuos problem yourself. you must be racist by the post that you entered or are you just trying to get under some people's skin? you do have a problem. -
Hi Esther,
I found your post quite interesting. I'm from the "deep south" USA and I'm sure you've heard about our problems with racism...why, a few years back, we even had a big war over it! (which we lost-thank goodness!)
Anyway, racism does still seem to be problematic here in the south although it is gradually getting better, I think (I hope). When I was a kid, we had segregated meetings..can you imagine?? But fortunately, that was corrected and for most of my life, I had black witness friends who went to the same congregations I attended. And, as much as I despise the WTBS, I can't really say that I saw any evidence of racism on their part as I grew older. On the other hand, I did believe everything they told I doubt that I would have been able to pick up on, I am extremely sensitive to racism and other types of prejudices and they truly disgust me...
Just my two cents worth...Safe
"A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle."
Somebody else