The Watchtower and Jehovah's Witnesses are fond of saying there are no automatic sanctions for taking blood. That they no longer disfellowship someone who takes blood. That they have a "free choice" in the matter. This is equivocation and misdirection. Note how they report JW's who take blood on the same form as those who are disfellowshipped for all other offenses. This is the "iron fist" in the "gloved hand" that enforces Watchtower dictates by punishing dissent for non-compliance with compulsory shunning by even close family members. How can any JW's who requests "no blood transfusion" be sincerely believed since they are being threatened and coerced? What free choice does someone have if you hold a gun to their head?
The Iron Fist in the Velvet Glove
by Lee Elder 22 Replies latest watchtower medical
This could be a smoking gun for some government that they have managed to mislead by saying taking blood is a conscience matter. It isn't reported that way on their forms. -
Lee Elder
You are correct. They are one in the same and just a way for them to mislead authorities and courts. -
JW's claim not to disfellowship any who take blood, BUT they say any who do so automatically disassociate themselves, thus the outcome is the same as the individual is ultimately forced out & shunned! -
problemaddict 2
The very definition of obfuscation and semantics.
Ask ANY JW out there if someone who willfully accepted a blood transfusion could remain a JW and the answer would be patently obvious to them. In the land of double talk however, some has "disassociated themselves" when they decide to do this particular act, but not the other things considered sins.
I wonder what the explanation for this designation would be scripturally speaking?
I wonder what the explanation for this designation would be scripturally speaking?
None whatsoever!
problemaddict 2
I should clarify. I wonder what the vague attempt at scriptural justification would be. :) -
Slidin Fast
This document should be downloaded and saved on as many hard drives as possible. You can bet your sweet keister that it will be taken down soon. Let's not let it disappear.
Lee Elder hi, I cannot see the document unfortunately, may I ask if you get a chance to email it /message it. I would like to keep a copy as I am a hospital nurse. -
I have printed a hard copy .