Just handed in my Disassociation letter

by Thirteenth tribe 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Thirteenth tribe
    Thirteenth tribe
    Tonight my DL was posted by hand by my husband (a worldly guy). I had the luxury of being at work distracted whilst he posted it. I have been baptised for just over 2 years and studied since 2010. I couldn't take it anymore, not just the zealous dislike/disgust for 'people in the world' (this includes my husband and 99% of my family btw) but the obvious.... The investigations into child sexual abuse. For the last year at least I've felt strange, like it's just me and if I pray my doubts and awkwardness will 'come good and go away'. No, not the case. I could not take to the 'Scientology like' JW tv broadcasting crap. This was a whole world of crazy to me, whilst everyone else was practically worshipping the GB I began to notice the level of indirect hatred towards anyone who is not a witness or associate . Sisters would try and invite me for lunch to watch the latest broadcast and practically Deify these men with their manic applause.I began to squirm in fact die inside especially at comments during the meetings. Comments such as " family members, neighbours, work colleagues are ultimately enemies of Jehovah and will die with this system as they have not accepted Jehovahs will into their lives" or "No matter how nice you think they are, they are not living to Jehovahs standards and are therefore bad association and if you scratch the surface you will discover they are probably racist or thieves". I would watch people I once respected write avidly and nod their heads in agreement whilst humming "hmmmm yes... Great point brother" in response. To put it mildly I have been depressed and anxious, I knew I had to cut all ties. Thankfully I will not lose family over this. I won't waffle on, thank you for this opportunity ! Peace out.
  • brandnew


    Now live your life to the fullest.....☺☺☺

    Mad Puppy

  • jwfacts

    Great thread. I have not been to a hall in 10 years and it seems like it has become far more crazy.

    To put it mildly I have been depressed and anxious, I knew I had to cut all ties.

    You have made a great decision and you should find a lot of the anxiety goes away.

  • sparrowdown

    I agree with you about cutting all ties their ideologies are toxic, even in small doses.

    Great decision, welcome to your sanity returning. It won't happen overnight but it will happen.

  • Je.suis.oisif

    Welcome Thirteenth tribe. Take each day as it comes. You're in good company.

  • Magnum

    I could not take to the 'Scientology like' JW tv broadcasting crap

    Me, either, Thirteenth tribe. I just don't understand how my JW relatives can take it. They are level-headed, normal, reasonably intelligent people (at least they used to be). They must sense something's wrong. I believe they do but just won't admit it.

    Sisters would try and invite me for lunch to watch the latest broadcast and practically Deify these men with their manic applause

    I can just picture it. I know of some JWs in my area who get together and watch it and drool over it. If I hadn't left when the broadcasting started, it would have been the nail in the coffin for me.

  • Introvert 2
    Introvert 2
    Right on Thirteenth, rock and roll ! I worked out the details over the phone with an elder last Saturday morning and he offered to me stay in so that maybe if one day I feel different I could come back easily, to keep dialogue open. This after I told him I'd been scammed into baptism by the old bait and switch Bible education to Cult trick, the ARC and them not being God's sole dispensary of truth. When I turned down his offer and said that ever since I've resolved to DA I've simply been happier he got all butt hurt, most likely because he no longer has any control over me. Company man looking to manage me using 'smooth words' which they accuse apostates of using, hypocrites. Told him I just want to be honest with everyone is all, why the big ordeal ? Reminds me of trying to break a car lease or some other binding contact, the one loosing income gets all bent out of shape and goes legal. Good thing we don't sign anything with them, can you imagine if we did ?
  • LisaRose

    Congratulations on seeing through the lies, you dodged a bullet.

    Welcome to the rest of your life.

    Lisa 🌹

  • Spiral

    Awesome, 13th. I congratulate you on not spending decades in the bOrg trying to make it work.

    The website is just dreadful, but so many in the cult just...... don't know any better. I can't watch it at all.

    Introvert, yes, if we had wet ink signatures on paper they'd be suing us all, wouldn't they? That might just be the next NuLight.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Congratulations on your Disassociation. So great that you do not lose family over this.

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