When you finally and officially exited the cult, whether it be by disfellowshipping, disassociating or fading - what was the first things you did that are considered "worldly"?
For me, it was like crash landing on another planet that looked like earth but was completely different to the earth i knew. I wanted to learn everything that i thought i already knew.
First things i did:
Joined the labour party
Read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
Read Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche
Caught the philosophy bug because of Nietzsche and read Sartre
Studied buddhism in a big way
Stopped praying before meals as i no longer believe in god/gods/goddesses (i still have to stop myself sometimes, it was so ingrained in my to pray before eating)
Watched the exorcist
Joined a life drawing class
Started studying for A levels
Charity work
It's safe to say that im a happier, more outgoing, more honest and content person since my exit. Even witnesses that are supposed to be shunning me have commented on the change in me. One even said "You look happy in this world. But arnt you sorry for leaving? You're acting like your not sorry." They're right. Im not sorry. Not at all.