Progressive! Ha! The GB and Watchtower are anything but!
Of course, he is using the Watchtower definition of progressive, not the everyday vernacular.
by Richard_I 41 Replies latest jw friends
Progressive! Ha! The GB and Watchtower are anything but!
Of course, he is using the Watchtower definition of progressive, not the everyday vernacular.
Jaracz was authoritarian and unfriendly. Barr was a yes man and very friendly. From what I gather from comments of people who knew them. So Splane is appealing to two very different kinds of nostalgia here. The nostalgia for firm leadership (from Jaracz) on the one hand, and the nostalgia for old fashioned humble anointed brothers (like Barr) on the other. None of which is in evidence in the current GB.
Plus I suspect it is no coincidence that there chages came after Jaracz died. It's easy to imagine him blocking cutting the book study or the magazines. The rumours that he held back change are probably well founded, the denials only tending to confirm the suspicion.
If I were still in I could probably rationalize the organizational changes ( meetings, Warwick, finances), but the doctrinal changes not so easily. The generAtion teaching and the re-identity of the slave are a joke.
JWs are touting progressive leadership? They are developing their property portfolio, not the faith of their patsys.
It makes me wonder what they are going to announce at the annual meeting...
The light just keeps getting brighter and brighter!
The clarification on one scripture can have ramifications on other prophecies, so we have to be absolutely sure that everything fits.
Woah there.
Surely new light comes from Jehovah?
Surely any new light from Jehovah wouldn't have 'ramifications on other prophecies'?
Surely new light from Jehovah would 'fit' with 'everything'?
Surely new light comes from Jehovah?
Surely any new light from Jehovah wouldn't have 'ramifications on other prophecies'?
Surely new light from Jehovah would 'fit' with 'everything'?
Excellent point!
So Jehovah only gives out "new light" in small chunks, and it's up to the "Magnificent 7" to figure out "ramifications"?
So, the GB needs to be absolutely sure everything fits if they are guided directly by God's Holy Spirt.
Hmm...So if I had a table with round holes and someone gave me a bunch of different shaped pegs (a square one, a triangular one, a round one, etc.), it would take a few seconds to sort through the lot and find the round peg.
That's how clear I would expect any god of all living things to make it when giving directions to so-called appointed men. In fact, this god would probably only give these Keystone Cops one round peg, thus making it a no-brainer. No need to "make" anything fit. It either fits or it doesn't.
Surely new light comes from Jehovah?
Surely any new light from Jehovah wouldn't have 'ramifications on other prophecies'?
Surely new light from Jehovah would 'fit' with 'everything'?
Great point!
Didn't someone in history say something profound about a house divided against itself? Oh yeah...that's right; I found it in that book the governing body is so fond of sitting around discussing, the Bible. Jesus said it when accused of resurrecting people by Satan's power. So why are they divided when they try to fit things together?