That is a interesting topic. It was in the early 60's, I had been married about two years We were living in the bay area of northern California, when two Federal Marshals knocked on the door and arrested me. I knew it was coming but not when. I had turned down two or three letters with alternate job offers.They had my trial in San Fransico. I spent a month there and was then transported to the federal prison in Tucson Ariz. It was about 17 miles outside of town and 1/2 up Mt.Lemon. The drive there was interesting there was two federal marshals in front and three of us in the back, chained up and handcuffed that's the way we walked into the restaurants to eat, you should have seen the people stare I was the only jw the other two were criminals.
There about 12 witnesses when I got there and almost 27 when I left We had all the meeting I was the school servant while I was there. The city servant from Tucson came once a month,the only thing we couldn't have was wine for the memorial. Most of the witnesses were from California North and south. I knew some of the ones from southern calif. and almost all from the north. My wife moved to Tucson they had visits every weekend she was an amazing girl then only 18 yrs. old I was able to sell some land to support her while she was there.
There a lot more I could write but you get the idea. I remember having a big reunite at the Rose Bowl assemble that next summer at lest the ones that were out by then. I must say there were some witnesses in there that were real jerks but I've found that to be true in every congregation I've been in. I thought I would never forget names of those guy but I have.The lives of some them didn't turn out good. I still have the same girl with me. We live down in the Phoenix area now, I've gone back to the camp a few times its been torn down now for many years. Looking back at that time I most say the organization had little to do with it. It was between me and God (I don't use the word Jehovah any more). About 8 or 9 years ago I didn't like what I seen happening to the organization so I gave up what responsibility I had and quit no meeting no service nothing. I was a little nervous about my wife. So far everything is working out.