Could they make not donating a disfellowshipping offence?

by purrpurr 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • purrpurr

    I'm wondering at how far the Borg could go in begging for money? Their halls are already resembling the"money changers in the temple". As they get sued more and more due to their pedophilic paradise their coffers will be ever more drained. I wonder then what lengths they will go to to get money out of their window cleaning followers? Will there be an entrance fee to the hall? Or will they threaten to disfellowship those who don't donate?

    How far could they go do you think?

  • freddo

    Naaah! Social pressure is better. Or some goosestepping little secretary reminding everyone every so often to give more, more more.

  • James Jack
    James Jack

    You would loose 3/4 of the Congregation, at least in our case! We only have 5 out of 70 main contributors( I know because I'm the Accounts Servant).

    An Elder asked me recently; "Why do You think our Accounts have run out of money?". I said: "Only 2 Elders out of 7 contribute each month and in the past 2 years, only 1 of our MS out of 6 has. We rarely get Cash, we don't accept Cards, so I base my answer on the Checks we receive".

    Our last 2 Local Needs talks have been about donating, those that contribute, just donated more.

  • ttdtt
    We should keep our disdain and speculation for the Org based in some reality please.

  • sowhatnow

    I dont know how anyone would know, isn't the box in the back for anyone to drop in any amount?

    I rarely had funds to donate. when they start requiring a check or some form to trace the donator, so they can keep track, then that is exactly what was condemned by them, the passing of the plate....

    I know that my moms cong [rural and low income] was pretty much reliant on the few elders and men who worked at the local chemical plants, and other decent paying rare jobs. they made the most money, and pretty much had to support the hall themselves. which is why when the khall loan was paid off, they actually could take a breather and save for a new roof........ which i dont think they even have yet.

    years ago, a C.O. came along and told them that anyone with rotating shift jobs that were missing a few meetings, had to get new jobs, lol.

    no one in their right mind is going to quit a good paying job, with health benefits.that they have had for years. when you have years in a company.... some at age 50 something were supposed to just 'go out' and find new jobs in an area with nothing more than retail! loose their retirements,lol. the hall would have ceased to exist.

    since a few of them were only ten years away from retirement, they stepped down. this was a repeat to many halls in the area, since where we live there are few companies that are not rotating shifts.

    without a degree or training, its all low paying retail and food service around here.

    even retail is shifts. they wont hire anyone unless you are willing to work any hours, they don't care if you have kids. they want to own you.

    so, if they keep telling people to not take good jobs, because they're rotating shifts they wont have any money period.

    the GB has instead burdened many congs and in the end, making them sell and move in with other halls due to lack of funds,by taking their savings and making them remodel when they did not have to. self consuming actually.

  • punkofnice

    We know the Governing body are knitting with only one needle but I think even they would know that such a move would be bad for business.

    They prefer to look after paedophiles by guilt tripping the protection money from the JW rank & file(tm).

  • ToesUp

    The organization works best using peer pressure. I believe they will use the multilevel contribution award system. Provide lapel pin's,special Bibles,invitation to special events, lunch with the GB, a night in a lakeside suite at Warwick.

    To the most loyal and giving members. then brother "loyal" can wear his gold lapel pin to the kingdom hall and to the assemblies to show everybody his loyalty by his special gift to the watchtower. I believe something like this would work best for this organization.

    Here is a sample of giving levels

  • WTWizard

    Have fun getting anything out of me. Unless the hounders can find my silver stack and somehow appropriate it for the Worldwide Damnation Fund or for some Israel mission in the future, they are getting nothing. And instead of donating, if I have funds for the Worldwide Damnation Fund or to support the next Israel mission they are planning, I will go right to APMEX and order some more silver. And it will help me toward getting and sustaining platinum membership.

    Which, to me, is better than some glorious sounding label from the jokehovian witlesses. Plus, when the dollar becomes toilet paper, I will be able to sustain myself. Let them try doing that, let alone donating anything, when silver becomes so valuable that people will trade 12 hours of VERY hard physical labor for one silver dime, and it will be regarded as a totally fair day's pay for a fair day's work.

  • Vidiot

    purrpurr - "Could they make not donating a disfellowshipping offence?"



    "Marking" (officially or otherwise) if it were public knowledge, though?


    And I can totally see them eventually wanting to set up a thing where if you are explicitly known to have not donated in, say, a year (or whatever), you'll be classified as having automatically "disassociated" yourself *.

    * As is the case with celebrating Xmas, accepting a transfusion, or whistleblowing, or (we suspect is coming) having been inactive for a certain length of time.

  • Simon Templar
    Simon Templar
    Nothing would surprise me at this point. Previously they have said for years that tithing is unscriptural. Decades really. That can all change in about two new Watchtower articles revealing new truth with some examples like David, Solomon, the Jews returning from exile, etc, and stretch it out to how it applies to us, and so-on. Most of the JWs don't have the resources to do a 10% tithe, so they will make it a lower amount, or one that the JW member selects, but it must be monthly and regular. I could see that happening.

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