Watchtower go full on propaganda!

by David Graham 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    ''I'm all for freedom of speech, expression, to practice whatever religion etc. you want but when that is applied to a cult like JW's, who uses mind control, hate speech, lies and misdirections that separates families, kills people and leaves them with mental illness, just in order to keep it's members separate from society and make money, that freedom is abused by said cult and it's within the interests of the government to stop it as their capacity to look after the safety of the general public!

    And that goes for any country!''

    Maybe that's because Russia sees the Borg for what it is and is doing something about it. Maybe others countries will follow suit.

  • Vidiot

    slimboyfat - "Billions of people are going to be destroyed in a messy angelic fireball. Cut off family who disagree with the fireball idea. Follow orders from the GB even if they don't make sense. All governments and UN are controlled by Satan...

    No they won't find any extremist literature in the Kingdom Hall."

    Beautifully put.

    It's a lot easier to recognize the Kool-Aid for what it is when you're no longer drinking it, huh? :smirk:

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    ''It's a lot easier to recognize the Kool-Aid for what it is when you're no longer drinking it, huh? :smirk:''

    Unfortunately, people in the Borg don't even realize what they're doing before their entire life has passed them by.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    If this WAS an ex-Bible study, where did he get the books, anyway? Hmmm?

    The WT says "we removed the literature from the K Hall.... " they did not say that they "destroyed it", did they?

    Was this person hired by the WT to make this video, so that they would have something to cry about? Sounds like there needs to be a bit more investigative reporting and fact finding.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    "we removed the literature from the K Hall.... " they did not say that they "destroyed it", did they?'''

    Very sly, manipulative words aren't they???

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