Amazing insights into WTS doctrine and practice from a former Bethelite who worked with Ray Franz on the Aid book.
The Execution of Ed Dunlap
by Vanderhoven7 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thanks. Just downloaded to watch later. I'm really interested in that time period in JW history and the events at headquarters. I think that period sort of set the tone and changed the rules for a lot that followed.
Introvert 2
Excellent thanks !!
I listened to the entire tape. I remembered Dunlap giving talks and I always enjoyed his folksy manner and informative approach. I would think this tape was made many many years ago. Does anybody know what happened to him and his wife?
I just read that after a few years Ed died and his wife was very ill in a hospital with mental issues. These kind folks believed in God and the Bible and lived their lives in freedom, real freedom at the end.
James Jack
He was truly a beautiful and humble person who was treated horribly.
St George of England
I remember reading of Ed Dunlap in connection with the 'James' book many years ago. However I had never heard him speak and some of his experiences related here in his dealings with the GB were fascinating. Thanks for posting the video.
Roger Kirkpatrick
When my parents served as Special Pioneers in Oklahoma in the 1940s, Ed was their Circuit Overseer. Then, when my father became a congregation servant, in the late 1950s, he attended a school at Watchtower Farms, and Ed was his instructor. My parents often spoke of Ed with affection.
My aunt and uncle were JW missionaries in Bogota, Colombia. They lived in the missionary home with Cynthia and Ray Franz while Ray served as the Colombian Branch Overseer. Eric Wilson (aka Meleti Vivlon) lived in Bogota as a young man, and he knew my aunt and uncle. My uncle claimed to be anointed, and admired Ray Franz very much. When Ray was disfellowshiped, my uncle never considered him to be apostate, but felt that Ray was being tested in similar fashion to the righteous man, Job.
R.K. If the bible would be meaningful, these people you mention would be of the tribe of Joseph. in Rev 7. whistleblowers, hated and condemned by the ruling majority, who hopefully will eat out of their hand one day, as good puppies should.
Talked to Br. Dunlap in OK twice, was not invited to get close enough to seriously talk.
Roger Kirkpatrick
waton, tribe of Joseph, eh? Whistleblowers, hated, and condemned by ruling majority? People after my own heart, then.