I remember it also -- heard it many times, some folks gave up lucrative businesses to pioneer, other sold homes and furniture, then had to start all over a again at later age.. yet the society denied they said or inferred anything.
We were called 75 ers -- bristled at that name -- it was in the KM, it was spoken of on stage by elders, it was talked about in congregations -- end of the 6,000 years -- everything is gone, get ready, so as I was newly baptized, I swallowed it, along with my born in mate -- well, it came and went, we got fulltime jobs, jobs that paid a pension, we added to that pension weekly -- and here we are today.... at least we have a paid for home, a new car in the yard, food and clothing and a nice yard..... I guess that's all you can ask for in this world of stress today
That was my first inkiling something was terribly wrong, but went along anyway.... friends, family, didn't
seem to bother them - just another new light adjustment.... and on it goes