WireRider, you are clueless. This is board for ex-JW, not board to proselyte ex-JWs for your religion. Considering that entire my family are trapped in WT cult, this is reason for me to be on here. And again, I do not care about Christian religion, I do not believe it, and I do not want to be proselyte to your faith. However, you are free to believe whatever you feel like to, and I am not stopping you or preventing you. Nonetheless, I will fight your accusation that I am JW or somehow anti-Christian. I just do not care about it, so I you should learn to respect it that some people do not share your beliefs.
Saintbertholdt, either Christians accept entire Bible or only NT. It seem they cherry pick whatever they feel to believe. What does not fall into their reasoning, they say the OT is void and invalid. For Jews NT is just pile of BS, which does not have whatsoever validity in the eyes of their beliefs.
nicolaou, and your point is? I stated that I AM NOT JEW just to married one,so for me the Jewish system of beliefs does not apply. Of course it is based on myths and Jews do not deny it. Besides, Jews have one of the highest level of atheism among any demographic group on this planet. Do you hate them too?
DarioKehl, obviously in your primitive, antisemitic, imbecilic remark you do not know that what Jews do not write God, god, but g-d. It just is my respect to way the Jews refer their Diety. Nothing more, nothing less. Learn to live with it.