We are all very much aware of Watchtology’s duplicity of teaching, the blood doctrine being the most predominant piece of hypocritical bullshight in human history. But perhaps now we shall see their hypocrisy in a whole new light.
The RED CROSS is putting out the call.
Plasma Donations from Recovered COVID-19 Patients
The Red Cross is seeking people who are fully recovered from COVID-19 and may be able to donate plasma to help current patients with serious or immediately life-threatening COVID-19 infections, or those judged by a healthcare provider to be at high risk of progression to severe or life-threatening disease.
People who have fully recovered from COVID-19 have antibodies in their plasma that can attack the virus. This convalescent plasma is being evaluated as treatment for patients seriously ill with COVID-19. Historically, convalescent plasma has been used as a potentially lifesaving treatment when new diseases or infections develop quickly, and no treatments or vaccines were available yet. The Red Cross has been asked by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to help identify prospective donors and manage the distribution of these products to hospitals treating patients in need. If you’re fully recovered from a verified coronavirus (COVID-19) diagnosis, please review the information below and fill out the Potential Donor form. A Red Cross representative will follow up with prospective candidates to confirm eligibility.
See frequently asked questions related to the Convalescent Plasma Program »
Note: If you currently have or suspect that you have COVID-19 and have questions about your health, please contact your healthcare professional.
Can Jehovah’s Witnesses receive components of blood? We all know the BS answer that the governing boobs dreamed up. Sure they can!
But, from whom shall they receive their life-saving juice? Is there a “brother or sister” in YOUR congregation who has recovered from COVID19 who may donate their own blood so that these antibodies may be recovered and utilized?