I don't know if someone has already posted this, but Lloyd has put up a video talking about his hooking up with hookers. Personally that does not bother me but the way he is handling it is such a god damn train wreck. This guy is insane.
Lloyd Evans is a train wreck.
by mickbobcat 22 Replies latest social current
Sorry, I have a "No Lloyd Videos" rule. He's made such a stink in the past, and even threatened me, because he can't control the comments people make and only wants "praise".
His non-apology response is text-book train-wreck handling of crisis.
''For reasons beyond my control, I am forced to share details about my private life that are nobody's business but mine and my family's.''
Lloyd forgot what lawyers always tell their clients. DO NOT TALK ABOUT YOUR CASE! So, what does Lloyd do? He makes a 1 hour 39 minute video discussing his case.
It's the Alec Baldwin syndrome.
Newly Enlightened
This train is not stopping. Twitter has been lighting up all day.
Simon take a look at the video, he is a train wreck. If you don't like him and I don't much either as he is a egotistic twit you should post it here. He is doing himself no favors with this video. Its a disaster.
raymond frantz
As a beacon of resistance to Watchtower's exploitation of gullible people's donations and covering up pedophilia scandals you can not turn around and do the same. That is exploiting people's donations via Patreon and then support a prostitution network in Tailand.
His wife and children only can be happy that ego has left.
Whan an idiot.
william hahn
Hey Guys, i'm in communication with Kim Silvio and her post really was her Crisis of Conscience for her and not taken lightly by her.
She is very grateful for the positive support she has seen across social media as LE has cast her as the villain.
She said his video was blatant lies and she has never had a pally relationship with him. in fact Producer Bob has never spoken with him, so for him to infer they are somewhat co-conspirators in his perversions is an outright lie.On a positive note as the real victim's here ( Dijana Evans and kids ) have their social media controlled by LE and finances too an idea is gathering momentum to have a Global GoFundMe for her so she can kick his sorry arse out and gain the financial independence from him.
She doesn't deserve to be put through his utter clusterfuck...