My thoughts on the shunning part at the convention

by stuckinamovement 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinamovement


    The WTS has gone off the rails and is "unrepentantly" hateful. They are blatantly requiring mothers and fathers to disown/hate their own children that they have loved and cared for since birth simply because they don't comply with the orgs demands. How is this love? Sick bastards.

    I despise this organization that has taken my extended family simply because I decided to leave after seeing how corrupt and wrong the organization is. I left after being an elder for 7 years, not because of pride or wrongdoing, but instead by objecting to how the org is trying to cover up child abuse.

    My two sons will never know their grandmother because 7 men in Brooklyn have decreed that my wife and I are evil and against God. What is interesting is my wife and I have never slept around, never tried any drug, we drink in moderation, don't lie, have never stolen or hurt someone physically, we don't curse or even have ever gotten a speeding ticket. Despite this we have lost all of our friends and family since we stopped attending meetings because we couldn't agree with the policy of not reporting child abusers to the police and the Governing Body's crazy interpretation of scripture.

    Screw these people. It is their loss in my opinion. They would be lucky to know my awesome, smart,and kind kids. They would be lucky to have my wife as a friend. We will never go back because I won't ever teach my kids to hate.

    Leaving this organization was the best thing we ever did even if it cost us our families looking back. At least it won't cost us our families moving forward.

    Ps I am traveling for work and happen to be staying in a convention city. I am surrounded in this hotel by witnesses who are ready to go to their convention tomorrow and be instructed to shun their dearly loved ones. (From their perspective I am just any other person staying for business, they have no idea of my background). None of these families and couples seem to be happy. They have their badges on their clothing as directed. They all seem to be tired, and going through the motions. I looked at several badges to see if they were from a cong I recognized and EVERYONE who wore a badge refused to look me in the eye and explain why they were in the city.

    Way to go watchtower! You have a bunch of people ashamed to celebrate being a part of you, yet they are willing to cut off the most important people in their lives because of your cruel instructions. Sounds like a winning recipe for a "generation" of miserable and broken people.


  • Crazyguy

    I thought the part was stating to only shun those doing serious sinning or wrong doing ? If I'm correct how can this be construed to mean to shun family or friends that just don't go. By the way they shun you anyway when they know you don't go to the meetings any more so not sure how this changes anything.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    It depends on your definition of "serious sinning". How about celebrating birthdays or Christmas?

  • stillin

    I have chosen to interpret "necessary family business" as meaning love, affection and loyalty to each other.

  • tiki

    Sad....they are an unhappy lot actually...the part about not being able to make eye contact speaks volumes. Aren't they supposed to be kind and compassionate and fair minded? The religion fosters isolation and disdain for fellow man. Nothing Christ like about that. So glad I escaped the trap.

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS has gone off the rails and is "unrepentantly" hateful.

    The WTS is cautiously paranoid that their organized mind controlling cult is faltering.

    They are now within in the realization that they are being dramatically exposed through the unregulated information such what can be seen on the world wide web.

    No other time in its history has this organization been so openly exposed to its inherent corruption and deceit.

    Therefore this elevated ostracization of apostates or opposers shouldn't be surprising, a matter of fact it should be expected.

  • sir82

    They all seem to be tired, and going through the motions. I looked at several badges to see if they were from a cong I recognized and EVERYONE who wore a badge refused to look me in the eye and explain why they were in the city.

    When JWs think no one is looking, their faces betray their emotions.

    Try this next time you are at a meeting: go to the side of the of the KH, or to a back corner, some place where you can see the faces of the audience. Don't openly stare, but take note of how people look without them noticing you watch.

    You'll see faces marked with withering boredom, wretched depression, sadness, hopelessness. No one will appear to be enjoying the program.

  • stuckinarut2

    Great thread! Very good observations and comments!

  • eyeuse2badub

    "None of these families and couples seem to be happy. They have their badges on their clothing as directed. They all seem to be tired, and going through the motions."

    You are so right in your observation of how jw's "go through the motions" at convention time. I tend to think of them as dub-bots.

    jw conventions are a stressful, expensive event.

    just saying!


  • Tornintwo

    The shunning video is extreme indeed.

    It could be a good thing tho, it was an article on shunning that started my awakening, it said that parents shouldn't use email to stay in touch with df'd children and I was like "why on earth not?", it was the start of my research, I remember thinking, nothing would ever stop me from communicating with my children. Now they are saying don't even answer a phone call, which for all you know could be an emergency, hopefully there are some caring parents In the audience thinking 'what is going on?', I mean, what happened " necessary family business"?

    Just watched Cedars rebuttal video on jwsurvey and thought it was pretty good....

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