Watchtower Victims Memorial Day 2018

by stuckinarut2 12 Replies latest members private

  • dubstepped

    @smiddy - Yes. It's for all who have lost anything to the cult. There are no real rules, it's very personal.

  • Diogenesister

    Sorry if I am showing my ignorance here but does this day also make mention of all the people ,mothers, children ,and others who have lost their lives due to the Blood ban ?

    How about those who have lost their lives due to bad advice on medical procedures in times past such as no organ transplants , because it`s cannibilism not taking vaccinations against diseases for their young ones .? etc .

    I think it started out more specifically in memoriam for those who lost their lives due to the blood/transplant ban, but naturally has extended to all those who lost whatever is important to them,be it a daughter or an education or a childhood. :-( ( just thinking, due to their stupid vaccine ban I wonder how many collateral lives were lost, too?)

  • stuckinarut2

    Did anyone else do something in other places around the world??

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