Strip off the old personality

by eyeuse2badub 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • eyeuse2badub

    Yesterday’s Watchtower talked about how by becoming a jw it enabled “worldly” people to ‘strip off the old personality’ and make really significantly good changes in their life.

    Paragraph named 4 individuals (anonymous names of course and probably embellished tales)) Sakura, Ribeiro, Stephen, and Hans. Their lives changed for the good because they found god or because they became jw’s---right?

    So on the way home from this wt meeting, my wife commented to me how wonderful our brotherhood is and how it helps people who would otherwise be ‘lost’ n this world. I listened and I agreed that it is certainly nice to hear about someone who is able to change their life for the better. I then mentioned to her that you have to realize that these types of success stories are not unique to jw’s. All religions and other organizations, such as AA, have the same types of experiences. She went silent but I could see that she heard what I said.

    just saying!

  • ToesUp

    "So on the way home from this wt meeting, my wife commented to me how wonderful our brotherhood is and how it helps people who would otherwise be ‘lost’ n this world."

    I never felt so lost as I did at the Kingdom Hall. Why do my spouse and I feel so much better since we left? No more judgement, back stabbing, dealing with pompous, self righteous, hypocritical nutters.

  • waton

    And AA can help the alcoholic JWs that the repeated shunning cycle made worse.

  • pale.emperor

    Scientology apparently has a drug addiction course that works too. As do the Mormons. And I've heard many testimonies from Born Again Christians that tell me they recovered from drugs or pornography.

    All it takes is for someone to replace their addiction for another one, or for them to hand over their thinking abilities to an organization that will tell them what to think, feel and believe.

  • Are you serious
    Are you serious
    A half-brother of mine in California had been in gangs his whole life. Did time in prison and everything else that comes with gang life. At about 40 years of age, while in prison, he became a born again Christian. He stopped all his gang activities and transformed into a different person. What helped him change? It certainly wasn't the witnesses or Jehovah. Jws, no matter what they wish to believe, do not have a monopoly on changing peoples lives for the better. Many organizations and religions have the same effect on people. Jws choose to ignore that fact.
  • Prefect


    While sitting listening at the meeting yesterday. I was thinking exactly the same thing.

    Not limited to JW's. Many other organisations do help people as well.

    That is never mentioned from the platform.

  • sparky1

    My ex-business partner was into bi-sexual/wife/husband swapping big time. After he hit 'rock bottom', he 'found' Jesus and became a non denominational Evangelical. He 'witnesses' to me every time I see him. 'Jesus is my foundation and every day he builds me up brick by brick. I am not perfect, but the LORD is creating something wonderful in me.' He even co-leads marriage encounter workshops at his church.

    I tend to agree with pale.emperor......some people just trade one addiction for another one.

  • scratchme1010

    ...these types of success stories are not unique to jw’s. All religions and other organizations, such as AA, have the same types of experiences. She went silent but I could see that she heard what I said.

    That is absolutely true. There are plenty of other places, events and religions that can help and/or inspire people to make positive changes in their lives.

    Most importantly is that in the case of the JWs, you never hear any follow up to those stories. I remember way back when they published this ridiculous story about a gay man who stopped being gay after becoming a JW. That story was constantly used against every LGBT JW person to show them that it's possible to change one's sexual orientation.

    However, I did my own research and found that the person in that story got disfellowshipped after his story came out, and guess why he was disfellowshipped?

    There never is a follow up to those so-called success stories, mostly because part 2 of those people's lives may not be as great as they claim.

  • DesirousOfChange

    However, I did my own research and found that the person in that story got disfellowshipped after his story came out, and guess why he was disfellowshipped?

    There never is a follow up to those so-called success stories, mostly because part 2 of those people's lives may not be as great as they claim.

    It's my understanding that a number of WT Publications have been reprinted with different photos because one of the "exemplary" JWs used in the original photo was DFd.

    Shit happens.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Most people do better when they are following some sort of plan and or have structure in their lives

    Many a prison convict had a "come to Jesus" moment while incarcerated and turned their life around without JW's.

    Many a lost young man, found his way when he joined the military.

    Many a Drug or Alcohol addict turned their life around after joining AA or some other 12 step program.

    When talking up their particular program, most organizations avoid talking about those who come to them and have a bad experience or when things didn't work out for one reason or another.

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