Regarding the connection between the "Second Adventists" and the "Advent Christians" see what one of the Advent Christians himself says at .
What useful piece of literature have the JW produced?
by HowTheBibleWasCreated 36 Replies latest watchtower bible
Disillusioned JW
Disillusioned JW
Regarding the 'millions now living will never die' doctrine, I at one time had an edition of Rutherford's "Harp of God" book *(which I purchased from an eBay auction) which had the subtitle of "Proof Conclusive That Millions Now Living Will Never Die".
Disillusioned JW
Page 88 of the Proclaimers book shows part of the front cover of the paperback book/booklet called "Millions Now Living Will Never Die".
Look at the artifact of the Proclamation shown on page 427 of the Proclaimers book. I can actually read many of its words by using a high powered magnifying glass. It says in part "... we are opposed to fraud and deception being practiced upon the people by the misrepresentation of the Word of God or otherwise." Those words condemn some of the content of some of the WT's literature!
A year ago there was a rush on toilet paper and fear it could run out. How can anyone say that WTS publications may not have turned out to have been some use after all.
That's all I could think of though.
"Should you believe in the trinity?" was a publication that the wts was quite proud of as I recall.
I wonder what ever became of that booklet?
Disillusioned JW
Are any of the WT books very effective in helping to us to get some JWs to see problems with some of the WT's claims? If so, do we have to be PIMO (instead of out of the religion) in order to get JW's to read them? If so, which books are the best for that purpose? I don't attend JW meetings and thus I have no in-person access to the JWs who might be open to questioning the religion.
The WTS/JWS self glorify themselves upon how many publications they make worldwide and how many different languages too, unfortunately their written articles or doctrines were all unscriptural bullshit.
They have the audacity and arrogance to call other religions false religions which adds to their inherent hypocrisy and corruption.