Ya right because we all know if you let a gun sit on a table long enough it will get up and kill people on its own. LMAO what a total idiot douche nozzle liberal but I repeat myself. https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/01/entertainment/alec-baldwin-interview/index.html
Baldwiin, I did not pull the trigger or point the gun at anyone. LMFAO
by mickbobcat 13 Replies latest social current
Anony Mous
It’s CNN so I would expect nothing less than propaganda like that. These people do indeed believe that guns go off without pulling the trigger or SUVs run into crowds and murder people all on their own.
It’s impossible for a gun to go off without someone pulling the trigger. The only place where it is possible to have accidental discharge is a very old mechanisms without safety that may go off if you drop them very hard, the hammer may strike the cartridge. Some rifles have this issue, handguns less so.
road to nowhere
Did the gun have a transfer bar? I have two 3 screws that will not pass the infamous drop test. You load 1, skip 1, load 4, full cock, hammer down, empty chamber. A novice can count wrong or fail to cock the revolver and let the hammer down. You would still have to drop the gun or thumb the hammer (half cock would catch) to get it to fire.
It still comes down to having a live round and someone behind the camera.
Cops are not firearms experts but are known for negligent discharges.
I woke up thin morning thinking I would start a thread about this very subject.
For some reason I have never owned a firearm smart enough to load itself, and pull it's own trigger. Mine have been so stupid that I have to load them, I have to point them, and I have to pull the trigger. But I guess the handguns on Bone-head baldwins little ol' movie set were pretty intelligent. Of course being the fanatical leftist he is it is not HIS fault.
Some of this depends on what kind of SAA he had. For non gun people that is a single action army. Which is what most films use on westerns. A Colt 1873 model P. Originals had not transfer bar, but a firing pin pined to the hammer. So there was a half cock on the original Colt SAA from the beginning I believe. This was a safety so while cocking if your thumb slipped it would catch. Not full proof but it was a help. A SAA can not be fired unless its cocked. You have to pull the hammer back to cock to pull the trigger. In half cock you can not pull the trigger. So this gun can not be used as a double action. If its not cocked you can pull the trigger all you want and it will do nothing.
Some copies have a firing pin in the frame and the hammer hits the in frame pin. Then the Transfer bar came in as a safety so you can not get hammer drop or drop fire. If your finger is not on the trigger and its not pulled fully to the rear the bar is not up and can not transfer the energy of the hammer to the pin. So it would depend on what model or copy he had.
That said no matter what gun he had you can not shoot someone if you do not point the gun at them, and you can not fire it unless you are monkeying around with the hammer and or trigger. This is why in Western history you would read about cowboys keeping the hammer down on an empty chamber. Its not needed with a transfer bar. I believe it was Iver Johnson that had a 1930s ad saying hammer the hammer, which the ad would shot a IJ gun with someone banging the hammer on the gun with a carpenters hammer.
Baldwin is a bald face liar. A gun will not fire unless its messed with and a revolver is one of the more safer designs because of what you have to go through to pull the trigger. If your revolver is a double action then in DA you have a real heavy trigger pull. The shooter is not only cocking the hammer with the trigger but turning the cyl. to the next chamber.
The trigger pull on a single vs double action is several pounds. In single action guns that can also fire in Double action its usually about 4 pounds more on double action. Single can be about 4 pounds and less if polished and or modified for a light trigger pull. Unless one is an expert in shooting these guns for fast draw or you are hunting with it I would never lighten the trigger by much.
Baldwin had to point the gun at the person he shot and he had to be messing with at the very min. the hammer. Its possible on an older gun with no transfer bar to cock the hammer enough to miss the half cock but also enough to fire the round if it slips. This is why stupid people who play fast draw with their SAA are asking for trouble.
The main point is he out and out lied in such a stupid way that a 4 year old chimp could see through it. Yet CNN just goes with it. Total douche nozzlery.
Brock Talon
I can't watch CNN anymore. It's the most distrusted name in news:
They got sued and "settled" the Nick Sandman lawsuit, trying to smear a teenager who just happened to be wearing a MAGA hat.
They promoted the Russian collusion smear for 4 years as fact.
They aided the Clinton campaign repeatedly, like with the Donna Brazil sharing of information fiasco.
They actively tried to smear Anthony Scaramucci (Trump's Director of communication) in an online article, only to be forced to retract it later.
CNN anchors repeatedly smear Hydroxycholoquin as a "horse de-wormer" when it is a Nobel Peace prize winning drug that has been used safely in billions of doses for a variety of reasons ON PEOPLE. Calling this drug a horse de-wormer is like calling oatmeal "horse food"... just ethical nonsense. Note: one of CNN's biggest sponsors is Pfizer no less, so gee, I wonder why they don't want any other inexpensive COVID treatments to be used. Conflict of interest anyone?
And now this bruhaha about Chris Cuomo and nonsense about Alec Baldwin.
Where was all the concern when CNN had Chri's' criminal brother on the air EVERY DAMN DAY, preaching to us about how to deal with COVID, when the state of New York had the worst COVID record of any state in the union? (Winning an Emmy no less for this baloney.) Where was CNN's ethical concern when Andrew Cuomo caused the death of thousands in nursing homes? You mean the Democrats only care when Andrew allegedly gropes women, but killing old people is no big deal?
CNN is absolutely, 100% the most disgustingly biased "news" organization on the planet. They are not even news anymore: they are a a propaganda mouthpiece for the Democratic party and particularly for the Far Left wing of said party.
I watched the part about the gun going off. Although Baldwin is a total asshat idiot, what he said is possible. He said he pulled the hammer back and let it go, if it did not go past the half cock catch and and its an old style gun that has not hammer transfer bar but a fixed or in frame firing pin then it could have happened. But someone who knows about guns needs to and I am sure they are take a look at that gun and see the mechanics of that particular gun. Transfer bars are not something that came in the 60s and every gun had it. Its universally common today but I have guns from the 80s and 90s that have fixed firing pins. A S&W 686 of mine has a fixed pin. So we would need to see the particular gun.
This will never mitigate the fact you have a real gun pointed at someone and you are playing with it. That should have been a no no right there alone.
Yeah, "he didn't point the gun at anyone", 'cause in looney-liberal land bullets fly in circles.
Why are they allowing him to run a PR campaign? Because he's a Hollywood star ...
He can claim what he likes, it doesn't alter the fact that HE pointed a loaded gun at someone, on HIS movie, and it went off and killed someone.
road to nowhere
The gun is an Italian replica. No clue as to the exact machanism. Mine has:
1. hammer down, firing pin into the primer
2. A notch that holds the hammer just clear of the pin, trigger caught in a recess where it wont pull (easily broken out by a blow)
3. Half cock, the cylinder will rotate to load ir inspect
4. Full cock, my big gun has less than 2 pounds trigger pull, very smooth and light.
Neither the first orc second notch are fool proof or strong enough to pass a drop test. Full cock is supposed to be light for firing.
So, Baldwin thumbed the hammer enough to roll the cylinder, then dropped it. Aim is irrelevant