Is Anthony Morris still located in Tuxedo Park, NY? There is a current address for him on Northampton Street, Holyoke, Massachusetts. There is a Kingdom Hall there. The listing states that it is current as of 7/27/19.
Anthony Morris
by TakeOffTheCrown 16 Replies latest jw friends
neat blue dog
Uh oh. 'Reassigned to the field' perhaps?
Hmmm! ( Bookmarking)
Well Anthony Morris is a very common name. -
I know two elders with the same name!
I believe his wife is Susan Morris. She is listed as a family member. Anthony is 69 and Susan is 70.
69? Damn my father looks younger at 88.
road to nowhere
They probably have more benefits than the Webelos but both names are common. I know of several with my name, and my wife's name, complete with initials and ages. If you can pin it down to siblings, children, and friends it weeds some out, but most sights want 95 cents on a card for that
@fulano. Imbibing in a great deal of alcohol can reek havoc on one's looks, including a person's overall health. That's why ANTMO is really aging!