Graph of world population (from 10,001BC to 2015)
by Fernando 10 Replies latest jw friends
The graph clearly shows that mankind was disobedient long before the fall at Eden. The command to be fruitful and multiplay was not given until -4000 on the time (horizontal axis), and they obviously started to copulate/populate at -10 000. The irresistible itch. jumping the gun. generating gun, overlapping ever since.
Since wt teaches that all these people will be resurrected in the millennium, their paradise illusion illustrations are ill conceived. how can you have lakefront homesteads >500 meters apart for all?
What event occurred around 500 BC? Seems to have stopped growth in its tracks.
I think the easy-energy from fossil fuels (mostly oil) in the last hundred or so years has been responsible for an incredible population explosion that simply won't be sustainable once that oil runs out. Unless technology fills the gap, we're back to horse-and-carts (maybe not a bad thing).
Also, the current population is evidence against not only Noah's flood, but also Adam and Eve.
What I make of it is that humanity was struggling while still emerging from the ice age but gradually found its feet. As conditions improved, the birth rates and death rates approximately matched. 40+ was regarded as old age and many children died from disease. Even until the early 1900s, it was normal for at least one child in a family to die. There were higher birth rates generally, but people lived shorter lives on average. There was a time when being born at the start of winter was practically a death sentence. The spike at the end of the graph is probably attributable to better medicine, diet, sanitation etc. as people live longer on average and childhood death, particularly in wealthier parts of the world, has slowed to a relative trickle. The escalation in population has also taken place against a backdrop of vastly improved contraception. There have, apparently, been signs of population growth slowing. There may be several reasons for this. China, which once contained one third of the world's population, initiated a one child per family norm by making it unviable to have a second. I believe this has recently been relaxed. Although other nations haven't been so up front about it, there seems to have been some tinkering to make families less affordable. This can cause some resentment because rich bastards can have as many kids as they wish,
Before many conclusions could be drawn, we would need to know something about the assumptions used. Anything before the time of writing is largely an educated guess. Even in more recent times, there is great uncertainty. There are wildly different estimates of the population of the Americas prior to 1492, for instance.
I find that scale hard to understand. But it seems like at the time of the supposed flood, if I'm reading this right, there were about 12 million people? 2 Kings and Isiah say a single angel killed 185,000 in one night. Killing all the bad people is a little over 64 days for an angel or send a dozen and make a work week out of it.
Instead of killing everything on earth, making a guy and his family work, what was it? 100 years to build an ark, getting all the animals onto the ark and keeping them alive for almost a year. God is supposed to have myriads of angels. He could have gotten it done in a week. Hell, Armageddon is supposed to happen in the blink of an eye. He's got enough angels to handle the 8 billion people now. Surely he could handle humanity at 12 million.
Simon is 100% correct. Oil is the foundational energy that supports everything we've come to know in our world and enables us all to have everything we own including your vocation.
I've always found that the facts, the math never jives with religious ideas. As an example, Botchtower's "We're preaching to all the inhabited Earth". This is 100% bull shite! There aren't enough JWs to accomplish this.
Check out Dr. Hans Rosling's presentations on stats. In one of his talks he says the world population will probably plateau at around 11 billion (if I remember correctly). Here's one of his TED Talks - very interesting stuff:
"The Stone Age didn't end because we ran out of stones. The oil age won't end because we run out of oil." Forget who said that.