Funky nailed it. Yes, there are a few of those elders out there that truly try living a Christian life and look at how the person is as well as what they do. The rest run it like a business, which is not surprising since the whole religion is a tax break front for a publishing company.
It is just like management of a company deciding who to promote. It's all metrics and numbers. What percentage of all meetings are attended? How many hours are spent in the ministry each month? How many magazines or books are placed (sales numbers) each month. Does the candidate project an image that complies with the company's own image?
I remember getting moved from Magazine Servant to Literature Servant. Our congregation had a horrible problem with being overstocked with literature. I was able to get all the old 192 page books and bound volumes in the hands of the congregation members. I got pulled into the back room by the CO and Secretary and told my monthly hours and magazine placements were exemplary, but my book placements were not exemplary. I was told as the Literature Servant and I needed to be exemplary in book placements.
All assignments and appointments are given based on a business model.