My sister denounced the two elders

by opusdei1972 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • opusdei1972

    Yesterday my sister presented, against the two stalker elders, a complaint before the district prosecutor. The prosecutor said to my sister that in the country there are freedom of religion, so it is totally illegal to accuse a person loudly in the street before her neighbors , and to insist for going to a illegal judicial questioning. She even showed to the prosecutor a past notification in which she asked to the elders a written document specifying the charge of apostasy so as to attend the judiciary meeting with her attorney. She told him that the elders never answered that notification. The prosecutor said that, of course, they avoided it because that judiciary meeting is illegal. So, the next week the two elders will be questioned by the prosecutor before my sister.

    My sister simply does not want to write a letter of disassociation and she also does not want to be stalked by the elders in the street. She just want to live in peace and to get out of his apartment every morning so as to go to her job without any molestation. She also told to the prosecutor that she was a Jehovah's witness for 40 years, but some years ago she discovered many ethical contradictions, so for this reason she does not want to attend those religious meetings .

    The next week, with the elders and the prosecutor, my sister wants to show to the prosecutor some portions of the book of the elders (Could she do it even when this book is forbidden?).

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  • TheOldHippie
    After 40 years she ought to know that there is no such thing as a forbidden book.
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  • purrpurr
    Wow respect to your sister!
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  • pale.emperor

    I read parts of it only yesterday. A real eye opener.

    "In the case that a person is accused of child molestation but there are no witnesses you should..."

    Report it to the police anyway to be on the safe side?

    Inform the childs parents?

    Keep a careful watch on the individual?

    All of the above?

    "...take no further action. But a note should be kept on file for future reference".

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  • OneEyedJoe
    Elders handbook is in the public domain now, so I wouldn't expect there to be any problems with her showing it to anyone.
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  • Heaven

    Good for her.

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  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    This is great.....It would really be something if these elders were personally charged for their actions. If that happened, I'll bet they'd be on their own in terms of any legal help from the Society.

    This could set some kind of legal precedent for other former JW's in the same situation as well as send a message to these Elders who think they own you and your future, that they'd better think twice and tread lightly from now on.

  • Finkelstein

    Realistically all that has to be said is that you do not want to participate in this religion any longer, you don't even have to offer any explanation..... done .....

    If that point is clearly made and they still haunt you in public or at your home, then I'm sure they are breaking the law.

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  • Giordano

    "My sister simply does not want to write a letter of disassociation and she also does not want to be stalked by the elders in the street."

    If she says that "you do not want to participate in this religion any longer" An announcement will be made that she is no longer a JW then the shunning starts.

    Not being stalked and left alone is what she wants.

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  • Vidiot

    "In the case that a person is accused of child molestation but there are no witnesses you should..."

    Report it to the police anyway to be on the safe side?

    Inform the childs parents?

    Keep a careful watch on the individual?

    All of the above?

    "...take no further action. But a note should be kept on file for future reference".

    This still gobsmacks me.

    Failure to take those responsible actions notwithstanding, there are - also - far more effective ways of confirming guilt than solely restricting oneself to the use of eyewitnesses.

    Yet they still hold rigidly to that method - in part - so that they won't find out how bad the problem really has become.

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