For any that still believe in God and Jesus, what is your reasoning on this matter?

by BourneIdentity 88 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cofty

    TPWSYF - I would no more spend time investigating pseudoscience about a wafer turning into god's heart muscle than I would invest time studying the case for a flat earth or the scientific evidence to phrenology.

    your opinion about your own beliefs because every Christian is a moron, so you'll treat them that way

    Nothing could be further from the facts. I have enjoyed many fruitful discussions with christians on this forum over the years. Many of whom I have profound respect for. Your behaviour is a very bad advert for what christianity does to ts followers.

    I have spoken up on behalf of christians when non-believers have mde personal attacks. I have even started threads about the possible advantages of religious belief. You seem to be so insecure in your faith that you respond to any rational challenge with the sort of attitude that is all too common on social media. If we met face-to-face perhaps we could have an interesting discussion. When we met I would have nothing to apologise for but you on the other hand would have a whole history of petty insults to be sorry for. Are you really like that in real life?

    If they KNEW it was a lie, they would have recounted

    I don't believe any of the early christians were cynical liars. Shared belief about Jesus' 'resurrection' became a powerful delusion. We have seen similar group-think so many times in the modern world.

  • cofty

    SBF - Science and reason works. We are all enjoying its fruits.

    Theology has added precisely nothing that could not have been achieved without it.

    Of course to get started we have to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps. There is a fundamental mystery at the heart of existence. Use the word 'god' as a placeholder if it makes you happy but having done that you are no further forward.


    Lofty, I posted a reply to this topic on page 3. Any that believe in God, Jesus, what is your reasoning.

    I replied honestly and sincerely.. You replied to mine with disrespect. You're the petty one. You started the insults as you always do and you're too much of a pussy to ever meet me face to face. You're the insecure person attacking my beliefs and others. Then you get offended? What a pussy you are....really


  • cofty
    You replied to mine with disrespect. - TPopeWSYF

    I attacked your pseudoscience. Man-up.

    I have never once taken offense in 10 years on this forum. That isn't my style. I was discussing ideas, you and some of your fellow christians replied with personal attacks as usual. It's a sure sign of insecurity.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking to refrain from personal attacks I am just pointing it out. The strongest criticism of religion is to observe christians dealing with contrary facts.

    you're too much of a pussy to ever meet me face to face

    Are you a teenager?

    ofty8 minutes ago

    Another Lofty gem,- Theology has added precisely nothing that could not have been achieved without it.

    Except for hospitals, doctors, nurses, the university system, the scientific method, worldwide charity to all, the free market economy, P,O,W,s going home to freedom after war., human dignity based on the fact that we're humans. The list goes on. The monasteries were the 1st university system that would share their teachings with each other to insure that they were teaching the same thing amongst themselves. That's how we got the scientific method.

    Source -How the Catholic Church build western civilization By Thomas E Woods Jr. PH.D

    What's your source?

  • cofty

    TPopeWSYF - Without theology we would still have all of those things.

    cofty6 minutes ago

    TPopeWSYF - Without theology we would still have all of those things

    If that were true we would have already had them. The Catholic Church gave the whole world those things.Your post about theology giving the world nothing is patently false.

    You seem to be shrinking a little here. Don't like people strongly disagreeing with your post or something? That's what bullies do when they get confronted...with facts...they shrink

  • cofty
    If that were true we would have already had them. - TPopeWSYF

    The Roman Catholic church put the brakes on human progress for centuries. You have heard of the 'Dark Ages' haven't you?

    It was the Enlightenment thinkers we have to thanks for science, reason, human rights and freedom. Those things were achieved despite Catholic dogma.

    Carry on being obnoxious by the way. It's a great advert for faith.


    Denying the truth doesn't make you smarter. Lofty, you're such a hypocrite bully.


    make sure you like yours and dislike mine

  • cofty

    So you took my advice.

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