Fooled me once---shame on you! Fooled me twice---shame on me! Fooled me thrice---ain’t gonna ever happen!
So I was having a very cordial conversation with my lovely jw wife and her very lovely super duper jw mother last week. They were both kindly encouraging me to “return to Jehovah”. After all, as they both reminded me, I have so much to give to the organization; I had been a child prodigy and a ‘golden boy’ in the wt organization during the 60’s and 70’s, and early 80’s. During the latter 80’s, 90’s, and early 2000’s the shine of the wt organization faded and so did I.
Basically, I was a ‘born in’, baptized at 12, pioneered, gave my first public talk at 18, married (so I wouldn’t commit fornication) at 19, appointed as an elder at 25 after serving my 2 year sentence for ‘draft dodging’, raising my children “in the discipline of jehober”, and doing all the ‘right stuff’ for the organization. However, I was also severely neglecting my young family. It took a toll on my beautiful wife and she temporarily found comfort in the arms (bed) of another. Oh well, shit happens!
Our cordial conversation included all of the above mentioned caveats. So I concluded it by reminding both wife and M-I-L that shame on the wt for ‘fooling us once in 1975—shame on us for being fooled twice by believing that “this generation” would end in 1994! “Returning to Jehovah” would be like fooling me thrice—and that ain’t gonna ever happen!
Just saying!