Ever wonder how to be "saved" as a JW?

by sir82 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vanderhoven7

    Just got a post from a JW who told me he was saved.

    I wrote back

    The Bible says of the saved that the blood of Jesus Christ God's Son cleanses us from all sin. So are all your sins forgiven and are you declared righteous? In other words are you justified before God?

    And if not, what do you mean when you say that you are saved?

    He wrote back:

    By studying the Bible and applying it in my life. I learned that "Salvation" involves:

    Gaining accurate knowledge of God and Jesus.—John 17:3.

    Exercising faith.—Romans 10:17; Hebrews 11:6.

    Repenting and turning around.—Acts 3:19; Ephesians 4:22-24.

    Dedication and baptism.—Matthew 16:24; 28:19, 20.

    Continuing to make public declaration.—Matthew 24:14;Romans 10:10.

    Doing these thing has put me on the road to salvation from sin and death.

    And the blessing of everlasting life on a paradise earth

    I can call Jehovah. My GOD. My Father and my Friend.

    “Prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens.”—Matt. 5:45.

    “[Abraham] came to be called Jehovah’s friend.”—JAMES 2:23.; Isaiah 41:8; 2 Chronicles 20:7.

    That's what I mean by Salvation.

    How would you respond to this JW?


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