I would like to visit Las Vegas one day. Have you ever been there? If you have a choice, would you want to live there? Low Humidity sounds good to me.
I have never been to Las Vegas.
by Iamallcool 25 Replies latest jw friends
Me neither, but Angharad has been a few times for events with her work and liked it. I think it's OK for a visit, because they are good at putting on a show / it's good value (if you don't fall for gambling), but it doesn't appeal to me and living there? I think I'd hate it.
There are some interesting places to visit around about though but the city itself seems just fake and sleazy.
lamall. I've never been to the USA. I've seen America from the other side; Niagara falls Canada. Las Vegas just looks a bit tacky to me from what I've seen. I might be wrong, of course, because I'm not talking from personal experience.
I think I'd be happy living in Toronto or Ontario generally, if President Justin asked me over.
Although I live in the UK, I'm not impressed with it. It's becoming a bit of a crap-hole.
Why don't you move, then? I hear people ask. As if it's as easy as that, pffffffffff. what planet are they on? I'm working class, not a champagne socialist, Guardian reading rich hypocrite.
Sea Breeze
We got married in Las Vegas. I was shunned by ALL of my relatives. (Both sides of family were JW's for generations). So, it worked for us.
The town is a bit fake, sleazy and over-the-top. At least we didn't do the Elvis wedding theme.
I’ve been there. The strip is designed to keep you on the strip and spend your money on expensive meals and shows. There is a lot of good entertainment and if you want to spend the bucks you can tour the Hoover dam or see the Grand Canyon.
As far as living there it does have a nice climate but Phoenix and Yuma are warmer in the winter.
I have visited Vegas twice. It's a fun city and it has nice suburbs, nice manicured lawns in the area where we were once you get away from the Casino/tourist section. There are palm trees and mountains just a few miles from all the glitz. Some of the casinos have very good food at a reasonable price, drinks too. Their objective is to try to get you to gamble, but you don't have to if you don't want to.
I've been to Nevada several times, but to Las Vegas only once. Nevada is basically a desert, but that can be beautiful. I've visited the Nevada side of Lake Tahoe which is amazing. The old silver mining towns are a great time, too.
I have been to Las Vegas several times. Its low humidity because its in the middle of the desert, not far from Death Valley or the Mohave desert. Its beautiful in a way but its also a desert. I do not gamble much but when I go I see shows, last one I saw was the Rolling Stones. But you can to to Death Valley and see Scotties Manson which is a great story and its part of the NP system. There is Spring Valley and the ranch was once owned by Lum and Abner an old radio comedy team like Abbott and Costello.
It was also rumored to be once owned by Howard Hughes. Also Fire Valley with Indian Petroglyphs, You are not far from driving to Whiskey Pete's a casino just on the Cal Nevada boarder and it has on display the original Bonnie and Clyde car and cloths. The death car. There are several Museums like the sign museum where they have on a lot all the old neon signs from Vegas.You can run out to Boulder and see Hoover dam. When I fist went you could drive across the damn top now the Muslim terrorists have killed that. There is a new bridge you drive over and you can still park and tour and walk over the dam. There is always some celebrity playing Vegas. There is Rhyolite, an old ghost town that was a silver boom town or I think it was silver.
It has a lot of buildings that were poured concrete and the shells are still there and a house made out of old whiskey bottles. Then the all the alien area 51 stuff. On the way to Rhyolite there is a small gas station and store and a brothel on the side. Its not legal in Vegas as some are mistaken but outside Vegas it is. I stopped by went inside and several girls lined up. I told the director I had never been in a brothel and can I take a few pictures not of the girls but the place. She said fine. At least that is the story I told my wife. Just kidding. Main St station has a huge chunk of the Berlin wall that is in the Mens bathroom. If its your thing you can tour Liberace's mansion.
A place I go is the gun shop that you can rent a machine gun and shoot. So far I have ran some mags through a MP40 original German WW2, MP5, Thompson 1927 45 ACP. You can even rent that sports car you have always loved like a Shelby Cobra or others and drive them on the race track. If you go I suggest you don't gamble its a losers game. I have seen the Pen and Teller show twice, they always wait out side and sign and talk to the audience. Great show.
Then you can go to Fremont street. Its the old original part of town where they have zip lines and a huge TV over head the whole length of the street and at night when it goes off its like a music video. And the fountains at the Bellagio are great. So much to do you can do it in one visit. So before you go pick the things you would really like to do and make a list. There is also the Pawn Stars shop. I saw Rick walking around one time.
Sea Breeze, My brother was married in Vegas.. I took them around and toured the place. Funny he had a huge fight with his new wife and she ran out of the room screaming and the cops were called and I got a call about 3am and they asked if I knew what was going on. I said I was asleep and did not know. Our cousin took them in his room and calmed them down but the cops told me you don't want to be arrested in Vegas. LOL. It was a small glimpse of things to come.
Pete Zahut
I have family in Vegas and they like it well enough and I wouldn't hate living there. There are some nice residential areas just outside of the main downtown area. The strip is a bit much in terms of being gaudy and overwhelming with lights and glitz. With Covid, the hotels/casios were offering expensive hotel rooms/meals for drastically reduced prices so the low rent ghetto out of town visitors came there on the rampage bringing all their behavioral problems with them, while the more normal tourists had the sense to stay away. There are things to do other than gambling (rollercoasters, stage shows, water slides, sightseeing in and outside of town etc)
They are having serious water shortages this year and with "global warming" they expect it to get worse. The Colorado river is fed from snow runoff from the Rocky Mountains and powers the Hoover Dam and feeds Lake Mead which is the water reservoir Vegas uses. It is currently at 36% of it's capacity and they don't expect it will ever get completely full again because of the lack of snow in the rockies. Water restrictions are in effect.