The Debate Is Over...

by JW_Rogue 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • The Snoopy
    The Snoopy

    It looks to me as though the entire world or most of it has some sort of belief in Jesus or somebody rather important some 2,000 and 16 years ago who lived or did something. otherwise what are we counting from?

    Some secular books state that Jesus lived through his death or something like a coma and lived on to be about 83 but then dies over in India at age 120. He also supposed to have fled to Rene la Chateau with France with Mary Magdalene and a young daughter Sarah.

    He was said to have visited India and did similar to what is stated in the four gospels and came back to Israel as stated their. Look it up and do your research.

  • ttdtt

    Well how can you refute: William Durrant born in 1885,
    Albert Einstein the world leader in historical studies born 1879,
    Rudolf Bultmann professor of a false religion born 1884,
    and Michael Grant author born in 1914.

    I mean really - what better spokesmen for facts on this matter could you have?

    Next month will feature Proof the World is Flat using the unimpeachable testimony of Hecataeus of Miletus!
    Stay Tuned!

  • tepidpoultry

    What do you mean JWS don't do research, haven't you heard of the WatchTower Publications Indexes? :)

  • tepidpoultry

    If anyone would like to pursue this I suggest the writings and Web presence of Dr Richard Carrier, Columbia :)

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