I can't make up my mind. Is JM more of a bible writer (THAT certainly explains a lot), a yoda/obi wan (the Force, Luke) or is he just that creepy cop from Fried Green Tomatoes threatening Idgy (Viv)? I vote for the creepy cop.
If you really unpack the nuttery that JM wrote, it's pretty clear what is going on. It's a need have a sense of importance to the world, to know something we don't, to belong, to be special and feared, to get to tell others what to do. Just look at the language he used...
"I belong to an ancient kind of knowledge"
"We wrote the Bible, Viviane"
"We created your precious science"
" But you can't get rid from the thought of what is to die"
"And we know something about you."
" You only have to accept what you already know, what you always knew. "
Seriously, this is like a creepy/comedic mashup of a 15 year old white knight "nice guy" from Facebook cross-posting on Reddit in /r/philosophy using all of the knowledge he learned on /r/Im14AndThisIsDeep and /r/TheRedPill.
It's someone trying to fly the flag of being special without having done any of the work to actually be special in some way. It's a sign of laziness, extreme insecurity and gullibility. I mean, who would fall for a group claiming to be the people that wrote the Bible, invented science, philosophy, language and to know every human's secret knowledge?
Or, maybe he's just really hoping if they accept him, then he will get to go to orgies full of beautiful women that totally really absolutely happen.