And it's the first time I didn't know that it already occurred. I must be really slipping!😈
This is the FIRST TIME I Didn't Get an Invitation To The Memorial!
by minimus 15 Replies latest jw friends
Maybe because your mother is not there to remind them to do it; or your jw friends are dead or have moved away.
My husband has no jw family and mine are dead or live far away or shunned me when I was a jw.
God asks ..... " Why weren't you there, you son of a bitch ? "
Fink.... that was hysterical
Yes Blondie, they have abandoned me!😿✔️💩👍👍
A vision test?
It was the first year for me too. There is an older couple in the congregation, wife is a pioneer, that would always mail me an invitation, but not this year.
I wonder if it has to do with last summer's convention instructions to shun inactive ones who are sinning, which can even mean something as mundane as speaking of the GB's hypocrisy or questioning a Watchtower teaching.
Or considering how the information was presented - that inactive ones who are sinning should be shunned - and considering how judgmental JWs tend to be, it might be automatically assumed by many JWs that if you have been inactive and away from meetings for a long time you must be sinning, therefore you are being treated as DF'd.
we also didnt recieve an invitation. no family calls and no invite at the door. i cant help but think its losing it importance. Family probaby understand its a no go for us to attend.
Sounds as if this is an organized arrangement