Believers: How do you know your view of your chosen holy book is the correct one?

by punkofnice 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ray Frankz
    Ray Frankz

    I don't believe the Bible is 100% inspired. I just believe in a God and I think Christ was a role model and I try to learn about him in order to becoming a better person.

    No I don't have proof he existed. I don't think a person has to be proved real to inspire others, see the books and comic books heros.

  • cofty
    I just believe in a God and I think Christ was a role model and I try to learn about him in order to becoming a better person

    Why do you think that imitating the god of the bible will make you a better person?

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    There are roughly 4200 religions in the world....Please God just a little hint which is the right one..

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    James....God here.

    Nope. No hints. I realize my chosen path might be on the other side of the globe, or might be in the place where a naughty servant of mine just touched you funny.....but no hints. No backsies. No sneaky reveals.

    Figure it out. Make sure you are right though because its death if yo don't (or hell, or bad reincarnation, or eternal thought you had me there didn't you.)

  • scratchme1010

    Believers: How do you know your view of your chosen holy book is the correct one?

    My two cents: why limiting it to believers? The same question can be asked to any person who has a belief (or non-belief).

  • Unstuck

    I used to believe - way too much. I preached from door to door to people of faith (or no-faith) that false religion would be held accountable for deceiving people, not realising that I too was being deceived the whole time.

    If there is a God (which I highly doubt now....) he makes it pretty damn impossible to know him and doesn't care if people find him or not - I mean, why all the secrecy!! Can't you just come out and show yourself?? So, I don't think there is much evidence of one.

    Which then doesn't say much for his "holy book". And if you start to examine that book critically, you begin to realise that it doesn't matter which holy book you look at or which one you think is correct - because they have one single consistency - they are all MAN MADE. No inspiration, nothing divine, but a heck of a lot of hyposcrisy and contradiction.

    No offence intended to any that do believe - I just can't anymore.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    It has always struck me as supremely paradoxical that a God would use his holy spirit to inspire the writing of an inerrant text, only to leave its correct understanding at the mercy of imperfect humans, none of whom seem able to understand it perfectly. Why go through the trouble of producing an inerrant text if you're not going to ensure that people have an inerrant understanding of it? So the Bible's supposed inerrancy actually counts for nought! Makes no sense. I think this paradox reveals that the text is not the inspired inerrant word of God - at least not a smart God.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Good question by the way.

    I'm sure there are lot of believers that don't feel their view of the bible to be literal but allegorical in nature I think most Catholics are not taking the bible literally.

    Only fundy groups take every thing the bible says literally as unquestioning Truth the word of god almighty that must be obeyed or meet with god's wrath.

    Which brings to mind why would a supreme Being require belief in his existence and make it a matter of life or death,, me smells a over zealous bigot for his deity of choice, writing down these words in a text to strike fear into the reader and take over his mind with more bull shit to follow.

  • venus

    Any scripture that is open for various interpretations cannot originate from God. If I were born in Saudi Arabia, I would have believed their scripture is naturally my scripture.

  • Fisherman
    Believers: How do you know if your view of your chosen holy book is the correct one?

    We don't know with absolute certainty.

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