I used to believe - way too much. I preached from door to door to people of faith (or no-faith) that false religion would be held accountable for deceiving people, not realising that I too was being deceived the whole time.
If there is a God (which I highly doubt now....) he makes it pretty damn impossible to know him and doesn't care if people find him or not - I mean, why all the secrecy!! Can't you just come out and show yourself?? So, I don't think there is much evidence of one.
Which then doesn't say much for his "holy book". And if you start to examine that book critically, you begin to realise that it doesn't matter which holy book you look at or which one you think is correct - because they have one single consistency - they are all MAN MADE. No inspiration, nothing divine, but a heck of a lot of hyposcrisy and contradiction.
No offence intended to any that do believe - I just can't anymore.