I understand you have to attend for family reasons. While you are able to tune things out and relax, maybe others who know TTATT cannot. I know it made me sad and a little sick to sit there after I knew The Truth about The Truth.
Oh, and they Will gossip about you after you leave.
It is true that an escape from the "truth" is not an escape to Disneyland. Part of the reason for this is because Witnesses are ill equipped to deal with the world. Their wonderful religion discourages college and careers. Is it any wonder that many leaving the religion are like a fish out of water?
I came into the JWs as a young working woman. I knew about the evils of the world already but I had the advantage of education and skills. But, more importantly, I was able to function and make my way through the world.
While it might be true that generally speaking you might be "safe" around Witnesses, it is an artificial and sterile environment. Witnesses like to pretend they are like a little village in ancient Israel, but the reality is they have to go out into the "world" to earn their living. And I don't need to mention them looking for governor handouts. So, it's a stupid charade and a dangerous trick to play on your mind, in my opinion.
The Witnesses could NOT function without the world - no matter how much they criticize it.
I agree with OTWO and would rather be in an actual vacation setting (or even home) to relax.