Poll/ So Who Do You Think Will Win The Presidency?

by minimus 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @TheListeners: Most of the polls on 538 right now are old, at least for the swing states, the "good" polls (rated above B) are several weeks either pre-convention or pre-Kenosha/Portland, the only solid polls are for non-swing states, they do have some polls that are rated B, B- or C which means lots of error, flawed methodology and bias.

    Some of them are sourced from those ads you see sometimes "click here if you vote for Biden" - those kinds of polls.

    The (A/A+) rated polls (Monmouth, Quinnipiac) for Michigan, Wisconsin, Florida and North Carolina has Trump virtually tied or at least in range of sampling error which is really bad for Biden. He needs a 5-10 point lead in battleground states, he doesn't have that.

    Note that Biden is only up because his base support is virtually solid. He has a consistent 45-48% in the polls while Trump only has 40-45%, that gives Biden a small lead but historically insufficient to get over the incumbent. These are the "undecided" and "third party" votes and then there are some that "rather not change if it works for me", given the improvement in the economy, a lot of people fall in the latter category.

    Solid Democrats will always vote for Biden, even though he's falling all over himself and stumbling through a very minimal amount of press coverage. The question is whether that will be enough, are independents and undecideds going to believe a candidate that has cancelled more events than he has shown up at? Can non-Democrats be convinced to vote for overtly racist policies, vote against their self-interest, vote for rioters and looters, vote for police defunding and changing the entire American history and culture through the 1619 project and other alternative histories.

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    Its just a logical known fact that when a country is in economic strife or social unrest they look toward change of their political leaders.

    This is now within the US, so expect to see this in the coming election.

  • Daniel1556

    I think Biden will win, because Trumps handling of the still ongoing pandemic is really a catastrophy.

  • Mr.Finkelstein

    This just out today ......

    (CNN)New CBS News/YouGov polls reveal that former Vice President Joe Biden maintains his grip on the 2020 race for president.

    Biden's up 52% to 42% over President Donald Trump among likely voters nationally, and he has a 50% to 44% edge over Trump in the key battleground state of Wisconsin as well. Biden's 10 point and 6 point advantages are the exact same they were when CBS News/YouGov polled the contests before the party conventions. The polls are reflective of a race that barely budges even after two conventions, protests and unrest in some cities over police brutality and as the nation navigates the coronavirus pandemic. Indeed, the stability of this race is record breaking when looking at polling dating back to 1940.
  • minsky

    The murder rate is up by double digits in more than 50% of the largest cities. Portland has been burning for 100 days straight. The media is trying to blame Trump because it supposedly happened "on his watch", but the fact of the matter is it happened in democrat run cities under left-wing policies.

    The voters who are going to decide this election are outside the cities. They look at Portland and compare it to their neighborhood and make their decision. They are looking at Trump and Biden and notice one of them cannot disassociate himself from violent radicals. They look at them and see that one is offering real, strong solutions and the other can barely read from a script.

  • cofty

    I am hoping for an entertaining Trump v Biden live debate.

    Total nightmare for Biden's camp. Of course if I was American I would try to be more mature about the choice but I'm not so I get to eat popcorn and point and laugh.

    Your choice is a bit like judging an ugly baby contest.

  • redvip2000
    The murder rate is up by double digits in more than 50% of the largest cities. Portland has been burning for 100 days straight. The media is trying to blame Trump because it supposedly happened "on his watch"

    I think if Biden wins this sets up a pretty bad precedent. It means that if a portion of the country does not like the current president, they can just go around rioting and looting in order to scare the voters into voting the way they want.

    The Dem party needs to be sent a message that this should not be the way to win an election.

  • redvip2000

    and btw, i dislike Trump but honestly, I've been paying attention to the messaging from Biden's campaign and his platform is basically about how Trump is bad. Every tweet, every message, post etc.

    How about telling us what HE is going to do? His plan, etc. I think that all the voters at this point have no idea what his plan is except him basically saying "Hey at least I'm not Trump"

    Could it be that Biden doesn't want to voters to know? I mean looking at his tax plan it's no wonder he wants to keep it out of sight.

  • JoenB75
    The American people have spoken. Trump is in the house. USA USA 😊😊
  • Simon

    I can't wait for when Joe finds out he's running for President .... again

    (the "again" works in two ways - because he's run so many times in the past, and because he clearly forgets a lot of things now)

    I am hoping for an entertaining Trump v Biden live debate.

    It should be fun if Biden's handlers let him do it ('cmon, there is no way they are not going to try and prevent it from happening).

    Part of me wants to see Biden being absolutely pummelled and thrown about like a rag doll. But I know I'll feel bad when I actually see it. Even with the pre-recorded teleprompter stuff he does now, the needle is obviously skipping.

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