Hadn't seen this site before, I thought I'd share it:
Evil Bible
by Simon 25 Replies latest watchtower bible
The strongest evidence against the notion that the bible is the work of a benevolent god is found by simply reading the book. -
Village Idiot
Another anti-biblical document that is easy to read is: A Most Evil and Stupid Book: The Moral Depravity, Absurdities and Contradictions of the Bible.
It's authored by yours truly.
That's one of the top 10 best websites on the Internet. I use it a lot. -
Yes Simon have known about that site for awhile now, its eye openly in its revealing just how brutal and full of BS the ancient Hebrews were, but reflectively hot unlike most other ancient civilizations of that era in history.
What is perhaps unique with the Hebrews is that they scribed their BS into writings, which they may have learned from the Egyptians.
Interesting, thanks for sharing this Simon, this will definitely be useful! -
Nice site, there is somethings on this site I had not read before. -
Great site and information, a real eye-opener -
Interesting, reminds me of this one: http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/
I guess it must have been shared here before, but it is relevant, it also has pages on the Quran and the Book of Mormon.
BTT for newbies or fence sitters.
For those that question "what if the JWs still have it right"...Always question the premise first.