I agree with Dubstepped.
Some seem view Cedars as Christ...and some seem to view him as the Antichrist. For some of us, he is neither, especially for those of us who woke up around the same time.
For some, he can do no wrong. I get that people admire those who helped wake them up, just as I greatly admire Ray Franz, Carl Olaf Jonsson, and Steven Hassan.
For some, he can do no right. Obviously, he has make mistakes along the way. But for this crowd, there is no forgiveness and no mercy. Every word and action is picked apart. Horrible accusations are made without evidence. Hour long videos and podcasts are made ranting about this one individual. I'm more afraid of this contingent, because how do you know you are not next if you somehow run afoul of them? I can only conclude that some who've made great efforts in their personal vendettas likely have an equally sized ego.
These are the same people that see monsters and erotic images in pictures, or who insist Russell was part of a occultic Masonic conspiracy, or that the Governing Body tries to channel spirits through children. They do not stick to documented evidence like Ray Franz or Jim Penton did, but build speculative sandcastles based on interferences and gaps in knowledge.
These are the same people that want a ban on Jehovah's Witnesses, the vast majority who are victims of deception and undue influence, forgetting that if such a thing had been enacted when they were JWs, they themselves would face jail, fines, or worse. They cheer on Vladimir Putin's oppressive government.
These are the same people that do not agree with Ray Franz or Steven Hassan when it comes to the best approach to take with helping JWs. They take the approach that would enforce the brainwashing and drive individuals further into the cult.
I don't agree with Lloyd on everything, but I do independently agree with with Lloyd's position with on these two matters. When he is heavily insulted over taking these positions (for instance called an Apologist), then I feel that everyone who agrees on these points falls under this insult. The reply often is, "Well you can't be so black and white about these matters" by the very people who are being black and white about their own stand.