If they don't have any JWs there then that's good. At least they wont be persecuted. But the fact that they are banned regardless of population is a great thing.
Why wouldn't they want to be persecuted? They pray everyday for the kingdom of Gawd to come. This of course can't happen until the BIG A happens, and this can't happen until the great tribulation happens. So God's plan is for the world to persecute Jdrones, since this is part of the great tribulation.
So for all intents and purposes, why wouldn't they be happy that GAWD is moving along with his plan for the world to persecute Jdrones? Every time a government decides to ban the Org, Jdrones throughout the world, should go dancing on the streets in celebration, because this means it gets them close to an eternal life of petting tigers and eating endless fruit.
Instead, what we see is Jdrones trying to thwart Gawd's plan by trying to avoid persecution, and writing letters to prevent this from happening. This in fact, is the only thing that makes no sense if they truly believe their teachings.