Is There Anything You Can Be Thankful For Since leaving The JW`s.

by smiddy3 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • eyeuse2badub

    No more living in a delusional world of half believing that I'll live forever and half believing that it's never going to happen!

    No more field service which I always hated!

    No more having to be on high alert during the CO visit!

    No more 'elders meetings' after the regular boring meetings!

    Really too much to list!

    just saying!

  • HappyDad

    I'm thankful that my daughter also got out, went to college, got a degree, and now has her dream job and is happy just like her old man.

    I'm thankful (even though it took way too many years) that I have become tolerant of people who have a totally different perspective of how they view and want to live their lives.

  • LongHairGal


    What can I be thankful for? For one thing: physical distance from people who were never my friends and certainly not looking out for MY best interests.

    Secondly, my time is again my own (like before I made the mistake of getting involved with the Witnesses). No getting up early on weekends and instead getting the sleep I need.

    Being retired and knowing I was right for NEVER having listened to hypocritical Witnesses with cushy lives telling ME to quit my job to pioneer!

    Being away from gossip and strife in kingdom halls!...Not being cornered by somebody with an envelope to give money for people who never wanted to work! And not having to listen to appeals for money and ‘do more’..No more bullshit.

  • minimus

    I’m happy I’m gone from a controlling group. It was long overdue.

  • millie210

    I am happy to have my Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays back again.

  • Finkelstein

    Yes not being mentally and physically controlled by a few men running a corrupt fear mongering religious publishing house.

    A saw the lying deception and corruption 30 years ago and the enduring consequences of how it effected people who were devoted JWS followers.

    Noting a few suicides by ones I knew.

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