Jehovahs Witnesses and Babylon The Great.Why the Emphasis on the R.C.Church and not on Islam.

by smiddy 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smiddy

    I was thinking back to when the book Babylon The Great Has Fallen Gods Kingdom Rules.was published many years ago when it was believed religion was declining in the world.

    The book took exception to the R.C.Church as the worst of christendom substituting themselves for the kingdom Of God On Earth , the counterfeit Kingdom I think they called them.Vicar of Christ on Earth.

    And while its true to some degree in Western lands today that religion is declining as regards christendom it is not happening in non Christian religions around the world.

    Which brings me to the unprcedented rise and spread of Islam in the world today .

    With the war in Iraq ,Syria ,etc,and the people fleeing these war torn countries to europe and elsewhere around the globe with refugees and asylum seekers the spread of Islam in the short space of time now beats any missionary projects conducted by christendom.

    Judaism ,Christendom and Islam all have their roots in the Bible.The Jews first then christians then Muslims.

    The Bible only relates to the first two Jews and Christians and is completely silent about Muslims.even in prophecy.

    The book mentioned earlier BTGGKR nowhere mentions Islam or if they didnt even exist ,yet today they equal in numbers to all of christendoms religions.

    Islam today is by far a greater threat to Christianity and especially to Jehovahs Witnesses than anything the Roman Catholic Church ever posed before.

    Obviously the Holy Bible and the Holy Spirit or Jehovahs chosen people the Jehovahs Witnesses never did forsee the rise and influence of the religion of Islam in todays world.

    The bible is completely silent about Islam or the rise of muslims on the world stage.

    Could it be that they could no more predict the future than I could ?

    The WTB&TS the publishing house of Jehovahs Witnesses have for the past 100 years have continually attacked the Roman Catholic Religion and portrayed them in an unfavourable light.time after time in Mags and books,

    How many times have the WTB&TS attacked and challenged the religion of Islam and muslims and condemned them as a principle member of Babylon The Great The Empire Of False Religion.

    To this day Jehovahs Witnesses cannot freely go door to door preaching their message in Muslim dominated countries where proselytism is forbidden

    So much for their preaching in all the inhabited earth after 103 years .

  • Ruby456

    cos they didn't and don't meet muslims

  • Chook

    It's because the founders of the Jw church knew the Catholics weren't going to chop the missionaries heads off, tell me how many Jw missionaries in Yemen, Saudi Arabia. Tell tony tight pants to take his divine protection and try himself convert a person in public in these countries .

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Simple one-word (acronym, actually) answer: ISIS; or, alternately: apotemnophobia

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    I have thought this for years. Islam is almost ignored both doctrinally and in provision of propaganda to "help" Muslims." Brothers, I hope you enjoyed Gilead you are assigned to Saudi Arabia

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    Hi Smiddy, I'm new here, just signed up because I think that this is a big issue that does not get near enough discussion, blind Freddy could see that this truly is the elephant in the room.

    I have wondered about this for years and have not reached many conclusions, one thing for sure is that all of the "company men" have no idea about the true nature, teachings and goals of islam (I wont use a capital I).

    One thing for sure is that they are dead scared to mention the topic.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    cos they didn't and don't meet muslims - WTF?!

    JWs in Bradford, Rotherham, Blackburn, Bolton, Manchester, Luton, Tower Hamlets and Cardiff meet Muslims, work alongside them, even knock on their doors, surely?

    PS - Hi resolute Bandicoot, welcome.

    This exact issue was one of the issues that I noticed when I was waking up. I remember asking this OP's question to a brother. His response - "Muslims believe the same as us!" - was utter bullshit and an example of pro-Islam propaganda.

    Yes, Muslims don't believe in the trinity, yes they think idolatry is a sin, and homosexuality too. But Muslims believe that Muhammad was the last prophet and an example to be copied - JWs, if they're honest with themselves, don't believe this.

    I also remember asking about the 'good news being preached in all the inhabited earth and then the end will come' - the preaching work in many Muslim countries is non-existent.

    If a brother tried preaching in Saudi Arabia he'd be beheaded. That's how peaceful Muslims are.

  • Ruby456

    well then why don't they say anything about communism, hinduism, buddhism, shintoism, modern Juadaism either - as with muslims they don't really meet them - when they do meet meet them occasionally they have a go at christianity to them as their main bugbear is christianity whom they meet all the time and against whom they have made their doctrines.

    to suggest that they don't mention muslims as being part of babylon because they are scared of them is to ignore all the the other faiths they do not focus on except to say that babylon the great is the world empire of false religion. I'm afraid this reflects your own prejudices rather than theirs.

  • OrphanCrow
    Smiddy: The book mentioned earlier BTGGKR nowhere mentions Islam or if they didnt even exist ,yet today they equal in numbers to all of christendoms religions.

    Smiddy, try doing a search in that book for "Mohameddans". (and "Moslems")

    You will find those terms used in the Babylon book. And never as part of "Babylon the Great". That role was solely for "Christendom".

  • Laika

    I am confident that Ruby is right here.

    JWs in Bradford, Rotherham, Blackburn, Bolton, Manchester, Luton, Tower Hamlets and Cardiff meet Muslims, work alongside them, even knock on their doors, surely?

    JWs in Bradford, Rotherham, Blackburn, Bolton, Manchester, Luton, Tower Hamlets and Cardiff don't write the publications.

    You do raise an interesting point Luhe, but one that is hardly confined to Islam. When I was in Japan as a devout JW I attended a few meetings and remember commenting to a friend how odd it was that members of the Japanese Bethel were not allowed to create publications on Shintoism and Buddhism and teach them more at their meetings, but such is the JW hierarchy. I suspect JWs in Salt Lake City might also like more publications about the Mormons, and so on...

    I also think a problem is that the Watchtower writers know nothing about Islam, or any other major religion, a consequence of JWs being told not to read other religious writing I suspect. They know something about Catholicism/Christendom, though admittedly not as much as they think they do.

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