My wife and I were discussing the date of 1975 earlier this week and she basically was of the opinion that the individuals who thought the end was coming in that year came up with the date based on their incorrect assesment of published information. I replied that would it make sense for thousands of people across the continent to sell their homes and all of their valued possesions if they really had the slightest doubt that armageddon was not coming in 1975. She did'nt have an answer for that retort but still she insisted that somehow these people must have made a mistake in their judgement.
So for those of you who may have lived through the 1975 fiasco and those who have in-depth knowledge about the events that took place in that year maybe you can answer a few questions for me.
How widespread was the belief that 1975 was the year of armageddon? (was it only in North America or did other witnesses across the globe have similar beliefs)
What was the WTBS position on the matter? Was there ever an apology or aknowledgement on their part that their literature may have misled people?
Finally what other some other similar instances in which dates were emphasized that turned out to be false?
I had done some extensive research on some of those questions about a year ago but I had a hard drive crash a few months ago and I lost all of my notes. Thanks