At the 2018-2019 Be Bold Circult assembly yesterday. Yes, curcult, change the I to an L. Because when they have 2 demonstrations about youths not going to University and another talk says for adults at work to Be Bold and refuse birthday treats being given away, it shows so much pettiness and lack of real concern for the people.
I was actually looking forward to the CA because a week before tornadoes went through our circuit and passed 2 miles by a Kingdom Hall and less than 1 mile by another that had meetings that afternoon. I was expecting the Circult overseer to give a report on it. But NO. Nothing was said other than the opening prayer. It was just the scripted ministry encouragement. The president of the USA came out to visit the area, but the elders didn't even reach out asking about well being nor the Circuit overseer. Many local and far away churches assisted in the disaster relief. I didn't see any Witnesses (other than me) volunteering. But if the Regional Building committee directed something, then they would be all out there. But to just help their neighbors...
Another interested part was the accounts report. There was $10,000 in expenses and those expenses were split between the maintenance and repairs of the assembly hall and for all of the assembly halls in the world. That's a new one to me. Has anyone else heard this? When they read this they had a deficiet of $4000.