@ Fisherman - Can you provide scriptures to show that (some/all) Christians are going to heaven?
The Genesis 3:15 woman.
by Fisherman 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What if the woman is simply Eve?
"All in all, the term “the woman” is used nine times in this chapter. There can be no doubt from the context that its use from verses 1 to 14 and then again in verse 16 applies to Eve. Does it seem reasonable then that God would inexplicably change its use in verse 15 to refer to some hitherto undisclosed metaphorical ‘woman’? Luther, the Pope, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and others, would have us believe so, since there is no other way for them to weave their personal interpretation into the narrative. Are any of them right to expect this of us?"
Quoted from this article: https://beroeans.net/2016/08/18/salvation-part-3-the-seed/
Because Eve did not produce the seed, the Messiah, that would crush the serpent’s head.
Can you provide scriptures to show that (some/all) Christians are going to heaven.
Luke 22:29, John 14:3
Because Eve did not produce the seed, the Messiah, that would crush the serpent’s head.
fisherman, yes she did, no human, and all the linage you talk about somehow has a human connection, exits without the genetic contribution of the first lady.
Workers in that field traced all humans through the widely dispersed, well traveled "5 daughter of Eve", check it out.
science will triumph over fantasies.
fisherman, yes she did,
Again, Eve did not produce the second Adam, the perfect son of God, JC. The rest of your commentary is irrelevant because it deflects from this subject matter.
Also, a sinful imperfect woman cannot produce a perfect seed let alone any woman producing seed. It is the man that provides the seed.
In Gal 4 Paul explains the symbolic woman of Gen 3:15. The woman is barren, God’s symbolic wife, the angelic host from where Jesus came.
I found interesting what the Quran 6:101 says regarding Allah (God):
"[He is] Originator of the heavens and the earth. How could He have a son when He does not have a companion [i.e., wife] and He created all things? And He is, of all things, Knowing.".
If talking about father and son is to compare to humans life helping us to understand, how could a father have a son without a mother? Who could be the mother if Jesus was the first to be created?
Am I wrong?
Maybe it is a mixture of the literal (actual beings, god and jesus) and the metaphorical (the wife of god is a representation of a group or organization). It's possible that the seed is not an individual, but an organization or ideology which is personified by an individual. Thus, god is the literal individual who takes action, and jesus and the woman are representations of who god is and what he stands for.
I think the concept holds up until the NT, when an actual and literal Jesus appears, the son of an actual and literal woman who gives birth to him.
Because Eve did not produce the seed, the Messiah, that would crush the serpent’s head.Also, a sinful imperfect woman cannot produce a perfect seed let alone any woman producing seed
Eve was to become the mother of all those humans living on Earth and she did. grand grandly.
All connected with the imaginary lady in the OP, where of the genetic pool of the first female. including noah, judah, david, Mary, jesus, Fr. Franz.
Although the Bible reveals that the woman’s seed is Jesus and Christians that go to heaven with Christ, it does not identify the woman directly.
This is a Christian tradition only. Just as the serpent is not identified as Satan in the original story, the claim that ‘the woman’ is anyone other than Eve is a later invention.