He is still around. Bottlegate reinforced my belief that his mean spirit and mannerism comes from being a functional drunk. And not the good old slobbering buddy kind, more the one who would engage in fighting in a different surrounding
Were is Tony Morris?
by asp59 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Road to nowhere mean spirit and mannerism comes from being a functional drunk. And not the good old slobbering buddy kind, more the one who would engage in fighting in a different surrounding
Yeah he comes across as a bit of a "dry drunk", in other words someone who has never addressed their issues and is very angry unless they get a drink in them.
Tony Morris is the AOC, Ohmar Talibe of the JWs. Never ever let him stop talking.
Half banana
He's out of action secretly having a liver transplant.
I can imagine tony back in his luxurious lakeside condo. Drinking his top shelf scotch, with George thorogood's song playing in the background "I drink alone.."
Maybe a he was "reproved" by a "Special Committee" and has had his public speaking privileges stripped temporarily until he completes his rehab?
The society is setting up a new teens game where in the world is Tony tight pants Morris.
Where o where is Tony tonight
Why o why did you leave us here all alone
We searched world wide web over for your bitchy presents
You got embarrassed and pffffff you nowhere to be found.
Tight Pants Tony we really adore you
You tells us how Jehovah feels disgusted and all about sex
You seem to know when Jehovah has a hard on
Over Latinos bros in sexy tight pants
I'm sure glad you are on the Governing Body
And on the world wide web for to see
So please Tony come out of your self impose cocoon
And give some more of your nutty talks and monthly broadcast ands shows us all just how idiotic a GB can be.
Perhaps quietly musing the powers of GB members, even when not in quorum on Wednesday.
How he, without a word, singlehandedly prompted wt to
remove "spirit directed" from all subsequent baptism questions, eliminating the last trace of Jesus' original command.
just saying!