(So as not to hijack the Tariff thread, I thought this would be better to keep separate.)
I guess my Economics and Finance classes in College have not prepared me to understand the latest round of Tariffs/Taxes that Trump is instituting.
I really don't understand who is "paying" these fees and where they are going. First of all a tariff is a tax and anyone who doesn't believe that needs to invest in a bridge in New York City.
To keep this as simple as I can, I'm thinking of a $1,000 refrigerator that I am buying. With all the different percentages being levied against China, let's for numbers sake say that it now costs me $1,200 to purchase the unit. So somebody, somewhere has the $200 over the original price of the refrigerator.
Trump says that China is paying for it. (I guess this is like my parents paying for part of my car when I was in school?).
So according to Trump, China is sending the $200 to me. Correct? Well, I did not, nor I have I heard anyone else getting some sort of rebate form that I mail to Beijing or somewhere. Maybe it gets mailed to the Chinese Embassy in Washington DC or one of their Consulate Offices in another city. But I checked their website and see nothing about my rebate.
Well, did the money get sent to Rub a Dub via the US Government instead? Are they holding the money for me? Do I get mailed a check or simply deduct this from my personal tax return next April? I checked the IRS website and see nothing about my money there either.
So I paid $1,000 for the refrigerator, $200 extra that I am waiting for the Chinese to send me, but dammit I had to pay my 7% sales tax both on the $1,000 for the refrigerator AND paid the sales tax on the part the Chinese owe me. Isn't that double taxation?
Anyway I am still out the $214 (including my sales tax) that China owes me.
So did I misunderstand Trump or am I taking him out of context? I have heard him repeat time and time again that China is paying for it.
I just want to know how to get my $214 back.
Rub a Dub