Thanks @MrExJw. I try hard.
Do You Ever Wonder Where Certain Posters Are?
by minimus 58 Replies latest jw friends
Outlaw hasn't been around for quite some time, got in a spat with Cofty
Yes cofty does make the forum unpleasent sometimes, doesnt he.
Outlaw left after being reprimanded by Simon.
I had a number of conflicts with Outlaw. He was a passionate defender of a group of extremely irrational and bullying xtians who hijacked every meaningful thread for a while before they were banned. He now moderates for them on their own forum.
Some of his attacks were tantrums of the most extreme and unpleasant kind. I never retaliated in kind. Just like when I have to deal with Morph's obnoxious behaviour I always try to remain calm and factual. At least Outlaw had cartoons.
Anybody can see the final interaction with Outlaw here...
"At least Outlaw had cartoons."
Would cartoons help your reading comprehension? In willing to try if you think it will help :) -
Since you asked you could try to cut out the sophomoric personal attacks. You could try to stop seeing every disagreement as a personal vendetta. You could try to stop doubling down when you post nonsense and somebody has the temerity to point it out to you.
Cartoons wouldn't be high on my list of what you could do.
OK, so to address the issue of posters who are no longer here because I kick them off:
Cartoons and memes, like many things, they are OK in moderation.
When people go overboard and it interferes with discussions (often intentionally to derail them rather than arguing a point) or they really become just noise, consuming excessive resources, then it becomes time to ask for some restraint.
Some people have a problem being asked to tone something down or having a halt called to their "fun". Tough titty - it's not their site, they don't pay the bills or do the maintenance. If they can't accept a polite request and become angry petty little gobshites determined to disrupt and cause issues then I boot them.
It's focusing on the bigger picture and not letting individual's dysfunction derail things that has kept the site running successfully for nearly 20 years during which time many other exJW sites have come and gone. We try to apply the rules fairly to all and it doesn't matter if you have 5 posts or 5,000 ... no one gets to ignore them or be abusive to other posters or to me.
Details of what is and isn't acceptable behavior plus how to disagree with decisions in a proper manner are in the posting guidelines. No one is booted from the site simply for having a different opinion of something and they always know why they have been deleted, whatever they may claim after the fact.
All I ever ask is that people abide by the rather simple and easy to follow rules. Don't like the rules? Too bad, so sad - they are not changing and they are non-negotiable.
Since you asked you could try to cut out the sophomoric personal attacks. You could try to stop seeing every disagreement as a personal vendetta. You could try to stop doubling down when you post nonsense and somebody has the temerity to point it out to you.
Cartoons wouldn't be high on my list of what you could do.
Soooo.... thats a firm “no” on the cartoon? In really think it may help. In sure most of your books have lots of pretty pictures. Im remain willing to try.
_Morpheus: quit the insults