The entire electric car & renewables thing appears to be a global-scale scam for me.
Tesla Cyberwhistle - Are People Really This Dumb?
by Simon 16 Replies latest social current
No doubt the electric car is a scam. From the batteries that can not be recycled to how much energy it takes to make one then you have that electricity comes from fossil fuel mostly and has to. The sun does not always shine and the wind does not always blow.
Brock Talon
Coming soon:
Cyber tiddlywinks $100.
Cyber Slinky $1,000
Coming soon:
Cyber tiddlywinks $100.
Cyber Slinky $1,000You're not thinking "scammy" enough, how about:
Invisible Slinky $10,000. Ships in invisible box. Batteries not included.
Brock Talon
Simon, you're right: I would be a terrible scam artist. Haven't even tried.
Growing up my mother always knew when I was lying, and my wife knows exactly what I am thinking before I even say it. No way I could ever be one of those guys who has affairs, etc. Heck, I can't even steal a brownie from the plate saved for "company" without being caught.
Just too predictable and too "readable" I guess.
You’re better off making an older, smaller car or truck electric with pre-existing auto batteries because:
1) They are already made/environment damage done.
2) You can refill the battery acid, and they last for years.
If you’re content with not paying for a Tesla, you can convert something older to electric, and use the batteries from your home solar set-up. Christ, 15 years ago I though of generating power with the wheels of a car via the act of rolling, and also the option of an extra generator. Just imagine an emergency brake lever situation where instead of a brake, the lever operated a fifth drop down wheel/generator.
It’s not rocket science and people have been making electric vehicles for a long time, just not mass producing “cool” ones that cost entirely too much for the general public.
No one thought to create a car that can drive itself into a stopped truck at full speed.
Self destroying cars, so people have to buy new ones. Genius!