Have scientists ever been able to recreate or virtually witness a Macroevolution type jump that "transcends the boundaries of a single species"?
I guess the first question we should ask is what would you consider to be "macroevolution" and what would you consider as being a "jump" or "transcendent"?
If you're having a hard time with the question it's probably because things like "micro-evolution" and "macro-evolution" are not scientific terms. They're not even defined at all. It's a bit like a creationist who asserts that animals can't be bred into a different "kinds". They're just hiding behind vague language so that no matter what evidence is provided they can always move the goal post further out.
However, "species" is a scientific term. It's any set of animals that are capable of producing viable offspring together. And "sub-species" is a group of animals that can mate but who do not usually interbreed in nature due to geographic isolation, sexual selection, or other factors.
For example, lions and tigers shared a common ancestor about two million years ago. But, due to geographic isolation (separation of Africa from Asia), the two populations were no longer able to breed and evolution went two separate directions. While they're different species their genetics are still very similar and they can be bred to produce Ligers - but those offspring are sterile. In a few more eons of genetic mutation and natural selection (aka evolution) the two populations wont be able to breed at all. All species are transient. There's no "final" form.
So the question is, at what point would you consider it "macro-evolution"? How different do lions and tigers have to be for us to consider it a "jump"?
I'll give you a good analogy for this. Both Italy and France have Latin speaking populations. But due to geographic and national separation the two populations started speaking differently. Over hundreds and hundreds of years, we ended up with the French and Italian languages. Both are Latin based - but are very different. So when did a Latin speaking mother give birth to a French speaking child?
We all know this is an absurd question. It was the entire accumulation of changes in words that made French a different language than Latin. There wasn't any single event or generation in which it happened. The same is true of evolution. And why the terms "micro-evolution" and "macro-evolution" are meaningless.
If you want to learn more on this I suggest you do a little research on Allele Frequencies. Here's a great starter video on the subject:
Hope this is helpful :)