Just had 2 nice witnesses at the door. Without boring you with all the to-ing and fro-ing. I invented a friend who became a witness back in the early 1950s, This friend tried to get me to become a witness, because his teachers father (a leader in that congregation) told him that the big A was coming in 5 years (which was true)
Oh! says the nice witness, that person should not have said that.
Because the bible says no-one knows the day or the hour.
I then got to 1975?
Now it was a matter that men may have said that, but the organisation would never have said that!
Then I was told that Jehovah's true organisation is not dogmatic, but is always changing. (Umm! Ezekiel's chariot I guess).
I decided to let that pass.
So then I'm asked if I believed the bible?
When I answered that its rubbish. the nice witness asked me how I explained bible prophecies.
Give me an example, I asked, expecting the usual Matt 24 routine.
But no, I get an assertion instead. Isaiah the prophet, said that, God hangs the earth on nothing.
Well, Ok, strictly speaking that's hardly prophecy. Its a statement.
But I let it pass and suggested that ancient people knew quite a bit of what we now call science. For example, the ancient Greeks had calculated the circumference of the earth (and were remarkably accurate). Did you know they could do that? I asked. (Check it at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eratosthenes
So then they brought up Matt. 24 and WW1. I pointed out that WW1 may be called WW1, but it was really a European war. Other parts of the world were only involved because the Europeans had been colonising the world. Which I was able to demonstrate quite easily.
I then tried to go back to other biblical statements about the earth in genesis 1. i wanted to point out how close it was to Egyptian beliefs about the creation of the earth.
So that's when they decided they just had to go....
But I did learn something - lots of what I used to teach (and believe) is no longer true.
But I already knew that anyway.