The Watchtower has posted a news item on the Coronavirus on their website and officially endorces the advice of WHO, the World Health Organization which is described by Wikipedia as -
The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialised agency of the United Nations that is concerned with world public health. It was established on 7 April 1948, and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. The WHO is a member of the United Nations Development Group.
These are the listed objectives of WHO listed on their website
These are the listed objectives of WHO listed on their website
The main objectives of the WHO Office at the UN (WUN) is to:
- improve, on behalf of all WHO, its engagement with the UN system;
- better position health in the debates and decisions of UN, inter-governmental bodies;
- anchor health in the global 2030 sustainable development agenda;
- strengthen WHO's effectiveness and leadership role in health as part of the UN humanitarian system;
- create and sustain effective networks and coalitions with the relevant UN agencies and other stakeholders, based on shared agendas for substantive work;
- contribute to a coherent and effective UN system at global, regional and country levels.
They even link to their website.
The comment the Watchtower make on the website is as follows
Regarding the coronavirus, the World Health Organization has provided additional advice for the public.
They also inform JWs to put their trust in Governments by following their direction with the following statement
Follow Government Recommendations and Directives. Local authorities often implement precautions or restrictions for public health. It is good to keep informed and comply with the government’s directives.—Romans 13:1.