It was an Irishman, a British MP named Burke who said that the French Revolution would lead to terrors because the glue in society is religion. Napoleon got religion. He understood the role it played in society.
Look at the term 'Truth Social.' We were part of the Society, which professed to have the 'truth'. And what was their 'truth'? It was not Jesus Christ.
The same with the concept PRAVDA which is Russian for Truth. Pravda was the name of the official newspaper of the Communist Party.
Each of us has a choice - do we abdicate our powers of reason to someone else and allow them to process 'the data' draw the conclusions, put out a message and influence our decision making or do we work the data through our own minds and draw our own conclusions?
Who do you trust? Someone who wants to flog you something and exploit your good nature and willingness or yourself?
Adv, adv, adv - remember what it stood for.