Diogenesister, what do these acronyms mentioned within your posting stand for? I know SPIMI (Super PIMI), PPIMI (Plain PIMI) and PIMQ (Physically In/Mentally Question); but what about the others?
Is WT Influencing Dubs To Check On Other Dubs' Activities Via ZOOM And Otherwise?
by HiddlesWife 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't know about all these acronyms. I do know the governing Body(tm) (Pee be upon them), protect and love PIDOs
I was on zoom an in my home office my rifle rack is in the background. Many super dubs got upset about my display so I turned off my camera. They started to complain about that. They even complain that my wife had a glass of wine. In our own home. Complain about what is on the wall or who is drinking what. I turned off the camera to none at all. Complain about that.
Is WT Influencing Dubs To Check On Other Dubs' Activities Via ZOOM And Otherwise?
Sounds like localized JW vigilantes, nothing more.
Vigilantes describes it well.